60mm Mortar Ammunition And Fuzes - inetres.com
2004年8月15日 · All 60mm mortar rounds, except training rounds, have three major components - a fuze, body, and tail fin with propulsion system assembly. Ammunition types: High Explosive (HE). Fragmentation and blast. Causes troop casualties and damage to light material. Red Phosphorus (RP), White Phosphorus (WP). Smoke.
Cartridge, 60mm HE, M49A4 (M49A2E2) - Bulletpicker
This cartridge is fired in 60mm mortars M2 and M19 for use against personnel and light materiel, providing both fragmentation and blast effect. The complete round consists of a projectile body a point-detonating fuze (staked), a fin assembly with a 2 inch extension! four increments of propellant charge, an Ignition cartridge, and a percussion ...
Cartridge, 60mm HE, M720A1 - Bulletpicker
This cartridge is fired in the 60mm M224 mortar in the Lightweight Company System. It is used against troops (either in the open or in foxholes), light vehicles, light bunkers and similar targets. In addition, it has been designed to comply with current Insensitive Munitions (IM) regulations.
60mm HE (High Explosion) mortar equivalent to M61. Bomb length: 320mm nominal. Weight of bomb: 1,755g fuzed. Flight mass: 1,725g nominal. Maximum outer diameter: 60,5mm. Permissible maximum barrel pressure: 55MPa. Explosives main charge: TNT 80,2 cast filled. Fragments: Approx. 2,000 natural fragments from the cast steel bomb body.
60mm Mortar Round HE 80 High Explosive Fragmentation Round
The HE 80 Mortar Bomb is one of the most up – to – date high explosive bombs of 60 mm caliber. Its performance – especially range, and effect – is the best possible for any tactical purpose. The HE 80 Mortar Bomb is destined for fighting uncovered living targets, as well as unarmored means of transportation.
60 mm Mortar Bomb HE Explosive & Practice - For Sale - HARTFORD
Hartford International Group manufacture and supply 60 mm mortar bomb HE explosive & practice bombs. The 60 mm bombs are ideal for infantry use due to their light weight and ease of carry. They’re capable of fighting against most unarmoured and living targets.
60 mm HE60 MA, PRACT 60MA and PRACT 60MATM - Arsenal …
The Mortar Bomb HE 60MA is designed to get the best fragmentation and blast effects, making it a bomb of utmost efficiency, used for fighting uncovered enemy manpower, as well as unarmored means of transportation. PRACT 60MA and PRACT 60MATM are used for training purposes, their flight ballistic is identical to those of the high explosive version.
Original U.S. Vietnam War Deactivated 60mm HE M49A3 Mortar …
This is a hard to find WWII 1973-Dated M49A3 Deactivated Mortar Round, for the U.S. 60mm M2 Mortar. This cartridge is fired in 60mm mortars M2 or M19 for use against personnel and materiel, providing both fragmentation and blast effect.
Cartridge, 60mm HE, M49A3 - Bulletpicker
This cartridge is fired in 60mm mortars M2 or M19 for use against personnel and materiel, providing both fragmentation and blast effect. The complete round consists of a projectile body a point detonating fuze (staked), a fin assembly, four increments of propellant charge, an ignition cartridge, and a percussion primer.
60mm he 60 ma mortar bomb - CAT-UXO
This is the Bulgarian 60mm HE 60 MA, a High-Explosive-Fragmentation (HE-Frag), fin-stabilised mortar-bomb. The 60mm practice PRACT 60 MA and PRACT 60 MA TM are used for training …