Eukaryotic large ribosomal subunit (60S) - Wikipedia
The core of the 60S subunit is formed by the 28S ribosomal RNA (abbreviated 28S rRNA), which is homologous to the prokaryotic 23S rRNA, which also contributes the active site (peptidyl transferase center, PTC) of the ribosome. [2][4] The rRNA …
请教5.8s 16s 18s 26s 28s分别指什么? - 微生物 - 小木虫 - 学术 科 …
真核生物80S核糖体中包含4种沉降系数不同的rRNA,其中,40S核糖体亚基(小亚基)中包含18S rRNA,而60S核糖体亚基(大亚基)中包含5S rRNA、5.8S rRNA和28S rRNA。 即真核细胞核糖体中通常含28S、18S、5.8S和5S 四种rRNA;真核细胞中的18S rRNA是16S rRNA的同源RNA,其相对分子质量约为0.7 MDa,长度约为1900 nt。 18S rRNA除了比16S rRNA稍长且多一些臂和环结构外,两者空间结构十分相似,在核糖体中起到的作用也基本相同。 上面的同志 …
Visualizing the Assembly Pathway of Nucleolar Pre-60S Ribosomes
2017年12月14日 · Using cryo-EM, we solved structures of early 60S biogenesis intermediates at 3.3 Å to 4.5 Å resolution, thereby providing insights into their sequential folding and assembly pathway. Besides revealing distinct immature rRNA conformations, we map 25 assembly factors in six different assembly states.
Principles of human pre-60 S biogenesis - Science | AAAS
Later nuclear pre-60 S states reveal how assembly factors interchange is used to drive irreversible fine tuning of functional centers. Additionally, by using engineered human rRNAs, we have identified elements of ITS2 and the 28 S rRNA that are critical to generating mature large ribosomal subunits in human cells.
Eukaryotic Ribosome Biogenesis: The 60S Subunit - PMC
Consecutive stages of large ribosomal subunit (60S) maturation are shown, starting with the earliest stages in the nucleolus, through stages in the nucleoplasm, and finally in the cytoplasm. rDNA regions giving rise to 5.8S rRNA, ITS2, domains I–VI of …
60S ribosome biogenesis requires rotation of the 5S ... - Nature
2014年3月24日 · Here, we present the first sub-nanometre cryo-EM structure of a eukaryotic 60S ribosomal subunit assembly intermediate, and position several biogenesis factors—Rlp7, Rlp24, Mrt4, Nog1 and...
Visualizing the nucleoplasmic maturation of human pre-60S …
2023年7月25日 · After early assembly events on nascent rRNA in the nucleolus, pre-60S particles undergo continuous maturation steps in the nucleoplasm, and prepare for nuclear export. Here, we report eleven...
The rDNA Loci—Intersections of Replication, Transcription, and …
Genes encoding 5S rRNA, which is a part of the large 60S ribosomal subunit, together with 25S and 5.8S rRNA, are localized either in clusters separated from those of 45S rDNA (S-type arrangement), or as individual copies inserted between 45S transcription units (linked or L-type arrangement) among eukaryotes [5].
Principles of 60S ribosomal subunit assembly emerging from …
In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the large 60S subunit that hosts the catalytic peptidyl transferase center (PTC) contains 25S rRNA (3396 nucleotides), 5.8S rRNA (158 nucleotides), 5S rRNA (121 nucleotides), and 46 r-proteins (Figure 1).
EMBO Reports丨程净东课题组揭示60S核糖体组装的新机制
2023年5月4日 · 在以往研究的基础上,研究人员通过进一步的生化和冷冻电镜手段解析了9种不同的嗜热毛壳菌60S核糖体前体在核仁阶段的结构,分辨率达到了2.7 Å–3.6 Å,详细揭示了pre-60S核糖体核仁阶段的组装过程。