B61 nuclear bomb - Wikipedia
The B61 nuclear bomb is the primary thermonuclear gravity bomb in the United States Enduring Stockpile following the end of the Cold War. It is a low-to-intermediate yield strategic and tactical nuclear weapon featuring a two-stage radiation implosion design.
B-61戰術核子彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
最新版為 B61 Mod 11,於1997生產,是一種反碉堡钻地核彈,依據彈頭當量可以做為戰術或戰略核彈。 美军宣布将对B61进行升级,为其加装 JDAM 所使用的制导组件以提高命中精度。 2015年7月美國在內華達沙漠公布測試了B-61-12型延壽核彈 [2],更新了衛星定位的準度,可以加強其碉堡鑽地攻擊的精準度。 ^ Hans M. Kristensen/Natural Resources Defense Council, U.S. Nuclear weapons in Europe (页面存档备份,存于 互联网档案馆) (2005), article retrieved December …
The B61 (Mk-61) Bomb - Nuclear Weapon Archive
2007年1月9日 · Light weight, intermediate yield bomb with variable yield options ("dial-a-yield" or DAY), and flexible fuzing and delivery options. Designed for high-speed external carriage and low altitude delivery. Modular weapon system design. Contains two neutron generators (supplied by General Electric).
B-61核航空炸弹 - 百度百科
Nuclear Nightmare: Meet America’s New B61-12 Gravity Bomb
2 天之前 · What makes the B61-12 particularly impressive is the bomb’s ability to adjust its destructive yield depending on the operational conditions and demands. Put simply, the B61-12 is four bombs in one.
B61-12 Nuclear Bomb - Air Force Technology
2020年11月6日 · The B61-12 air-launched tactical bomb will carry a low-yield nuclear warhead to destroy military targets with minimum collateral damage. Located in the bomb’s middle section, the warhead will have four yield options, including 0.3kt, 1.5kt, 10kt, and 50kt.
US nuclear gravity bombs with 50-kiloton warheads deployed in …
2025年1月22日 · Deployed by U.S. Air Force and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) bases, the B61 nuclear gravity bomb has almost 50 years of service, making it the oldest and most versatile weapon in the...
B61 Family - Wikipedia
The B61 Family is a series of nuclear weapons based on the B61 nuclear bomb. The B61 bomb was developed by Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL; now Los Alamos National Laboratory) starting in 1960.
Sandia National Laboratories Reveals First B61-13 Joint Test …
5 天之前 · B61-12 gravity nuclear bomb. ... B61-13 is designed to replace aging B61-7 while seriously bumping up the yield. 61-7 is around 340kt. Rumors are this unit yields 1/2 MT. Basically, it’s a ...
Sandia National Laboratories Confirm B61-12’s ... - The Aviationist
2025年2月22日 · The B61, a nuclear gravity bomb deployed by the U.S. Air Force and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces, has been in service since 1968. The B61-12 will replace most older ...