6207ZZC3 | Deep Groove Ball Bearing - Single Row | NSK | MISUMI
Shop Deep Groove Ball Bearing - Single Row from NSK (6207ZZC3). MISUMI USA has all of your Ball Bearings needs covered, with over 3.8M high quality products and 80 sextillion configurable parts available with fast shipping and low pricing.
NSK 6207ZZC3 - Motion
6207zzc3 Radial/Deep Groove Ball Bearing - Straight Bore, 35 mm ID, 72 mm OD, 17 mm Width, Double Shielded, Without Snap Ring, C3 Internal Clearance List Price $53.89 /each
6207ZZC3 深溝玉軸受 6200番台 ZZ C3隙間 NSK(日本精工) 単列
単列深溝玉軸受は、転がり軸受の中で最も代表的な形式であり、その用途は広い。 内輪・外輪に設けられた軌道の溝は、転動する玉の半径より、わずかに大きい半径の円弧の横断面をなしている。 ラジアル荷重のほかに、両方向のアキシアル荷重を負荷することができます。 摩擦トルクが小さく、高速回転する箇所や低騒音、低振動が要求される用途にも適しています。 ※係数/軸受各部の形状及び適用する応力水準によって定まる係数です。 毎月抽選で 1,000名様 に …
6207ZZC3: Skip to the end of the images gallery . Skip to the beginning of the images gallery . Images shown are representations. Designs and specifications may differ from actual products. Product Information. Display units Metric Imperial. PDF DOWNLOAD.
Item # 6207ZZC3/EM, Single Row Radial Ball Bearing - Double …
Browse Item # 6207ZZC3/EM, Single Row Radial Ball Bearing - Double Shielded in the NTN Bearing Corp. of America catalog including Item #,Description,Ordering Options,Type,Bore Type,Outside Ring Type,Material,Cage Type,Cage Material,Ball Material,Limi. DOL LOGIN Careers COVID-19 RESPONSE Newsletter; Industry. Aerospace;
NTN 5S-6207ZZC3/EM轴承尺寸、参数、图纸、价格 - NTN轴承型 …
轴承型号:5S-6207ZZC3/EM,陶瓷滚动体单列深沟球轴承 - 双面防尘盖,其基础型号为6207,前缀列表:【5S-:陶瓷球轴承】,后缀列表:【ZZ:双面带防尘盖】【C3:C3游隙】【/EM:美孚宝力达 EM(Mobil Polyrex EM)电机润滑脂】
6207ZZC3 - NSK | Single Row Ball Bearings | BDI USA
6207zzc3 NSK Single Row Ball Bearing; 35MM Bore; 72MM Outside Diameter; 17MM Outer Race Width; 2 Metal Shields; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No Snap Ring; C3-Loose Internal Clearance; Steel Cage
Deep Groove Ball Bearing (6207ZZC3) - MISUMI USA
Shop Deep Groove Ball Bearing - Retaining Ring, Single Row from Koyo Bearings (6207ZZC3). MISUMI USA has all of your Ball Bearings needs covered, with over 3.8M high quality products and 80 sextillion configurable parts available with fast shipping and low pricing.
型番 : 6207ZZC3 深溝玉軸受 - MISUMI(ミスミ) | 総合Web ...
NTNの深溝玉軸受 6207zzc3の選定・通販ページ。 ミスミ他、国内外3,324メーカー、2,070万点以上の商品を1個から配送。 豊富なCADデータ提供。
- 评论数: 211
6207ZZC3 - SNR - Single row deep groove ball bearings - ntn …
Deep groove ball bearing, radial contact, pressed steel cage, shields on both sides. The single row deep-groove ball bearing is the most popular bearing. It is available in a wide range of sizes with several possible options: sealing with shields or seals, presence of a retaining ring, varied clearances, several cage types, etc.