Rosemount™ 644 Temperature Transmitter - Emerson US
Engineered for versatility, the Rosemount 644 Temperature Transmitter is available with HART™, FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus or PROFIBUS™ protocols in head, field or rail mount styles and a variety of enclosure options. By adding a Local Operator Interface (LOI), you can update your transmitter configuration in the field without tools.
644HAE1XAJ5M5Q4+0065N35N0000D0225F46E1Q8XA | Rosemount | 644 ...
644HAE1XAJ5M5Q4+0065N35N0000D0225F46E1Q8XA | Rosemount | 644 Temperature Transmitter + Pt 100 RTD (IEC 751) with Barstock Thermowell, Best Price in Town, Guaranteed Low Price!
RosemountTM 644 Temperature Transmitter - Emerson
Make better decisions for your process with the new and easy-to-use Rosemount 644 Temperature Transmitter capabilities, including: diagnostics, safety certification, integral …
Rosemount 644HAE2AXJ6M5F6Q4+0065N31N0000N0145XA …
644 Temperature Transmitter. H DIN A Head Mount - Single Sensor Input. A 4–20 mA with digital signal based on HART protocol. E2 INMETRO Flameproof. J6(3) Universal Junction Box, 2 entries. M5 LCD Display. F6 60 Hz Line Voltage Filter
罗斯蒙特644HAE5XAJ6M5Q4+0065N31J0080D0065T44A1E5XA一 …
644hae5xaj6m5q4+0065n31j0080d0065t44a1e5xa 罗斯蒙特644+0065一体化温度变送器 罗斯蒙特644温度变送器专为多功能性而设计,可提供头部,现场或轨道安装类型的hart?,foundation?现场总线或profibus?协议以及各种外壳选项。
ROSEMOUNT罗蒙斯特 温度变送器 644HANAJ6F5M5 644系列
罗斯蒙特 644 温度变送器功能多样,可使用 hart®、foundation™ 现场总线或 profibus® 协议,具有顶部、现场或轨道安装样式以及多种外壳选项。 通过添加本地操作员界面 (LOI),无需工具即可在现场更新变送器组态。
Temperature Transmitter with Thermowell - Shaanxi SFT Co., Ltd
Rosemount 644+0065 integrated temperature transmitter.The Rosemount 644 temperature transmitter with thermowell is designed for multiple functions and can provide head, field or track mounting types of HART, FOUNDATION Fieldbus or …
The Rosemount 644 Rail Mount Temperature Transmitter supports the following features: • 4–20 mA/HART protocol (Revision 5) • Accepts one sensor input from a wide variety of sensor types (2-, 3-, and 4-wire RTD, Thermocouple, mV and ohm) • Completely encapsulated electronics to ensure long term transmitter reliability
Rosemount temperature transmitter 644+0065 - flowlinemeter.cn
Rosemount temperature transmitter 644+0065 , 4-20mA output, 24V, explosion-proof, LCD show ... Next: Rosemount 644 temperature transmitter 4-20mA output. Related Items. Emerson AMS TREX device communicator. HART+FF Emerson AMS TREX device communicator. Rosemount electromagnetic flow meter sensor 8700 and 8732.
Rosemount 644HAI1AM5Q4+0065109D0150N0600A1XA …
Reduce complexity and simplify the day to day operations of your diverse temperature applications with the versatile Rosemount 644+0065 family of temperature transmitters. Make better decisions for your process with the new and easy to use Rosemount 644+0065 Transmitter capabilities including: diagnostics, safety certification, integral ...