H&R Model 65 - milsurps.com
2016年5月5日 · Several years ago, at a gun show, I ran across a Model 65 H&R .22 rifle, the same rifle used in 1944 at Parris Island. Since the dealer did not have a magazine for the rifle the price was reasonable. The magazines for my Model 165 work just fine in the Model 65. I have the mate to the "Leatherneck."
Reising 65 I.D. help - milsurps.com
2010年12月31日 · The H&R Model 65 was a WW11 production rifle for the USMC. However H&R sold the Model 65 to civilians also in the same time frame as selling them to the USMC. The Model 65 was produced for awhile after the war. I would say your rifle with a Model 65 reciever and a Model 150 barrel is probaly a transition rifle at the end of production of the ...
H & R "Reising" Mod.65 - milsurps.com
2016年1月14日 · The Bren LMG (Light Machine Gun) The Semi-Automatic Bren LMG (Light Machine Gun) Other LMG/HMG and SMG Forum; The Ross Rifle Knowledge Library Collectors Forum; M1 Garand/M14/M1A Rifles. M1 Garand/M14/M1A Picture of the Day Forum; M16A2/AR15A2 Rifles; M1/M2 Carbine; M1903/1903A3/A4 Springfield Rifle; Pattern 1913/1914 and M1917 Rifles; Other U ...
7.65mm Argentine Reloading - milsurps.com
Folks, I've recently acquired a very nice Argentine M1891 Mauser rifle (cal. 7.65 x 53mm) and need to handload to put it back into use on the range. I've a good supply of 174gr and 190gr bullets (0.311" -0.312" diameter) that I use for reloading 0.303" British and a …
arsenal parkerized finish? - milsurps.com
2009年3月12日 · The Bren LMG (Light Machine Gun) The Semi-Automatic Bren LMG (Light Machine Gun) Other LMG/HMG and SMG Forum; The Ross Rifle Knowledge Library Collectors Forum; M1 Garand/M14/M1A Rifles. M1 Garand/M14/M1A Picture of the Day Forum; M16A2/AR15A2 Rifles; M1/M2 Carbine; M1903/1903A3/A4 Springfield Rifle; Pattern 1913/1914 and M1917 Rifles; Other U ...
Guidance on Reising Model 65 stock - milsurps.com
2013年2月13日 · The Bren LMG (Light Machine Gun) The Semi-Automatic Bren LMG (Light Machine Gun) Other LMG/HMG and SMG Forum; The Ross Rifle Knowledge Library Collectors Forum; M1 Garand/M14/M1A Rifles. M1 Garand/M14/M1A Picture of the Day Forum; M16A2/AR15A2 Rifles; M1/M2 Carbine; M1903/1903A3/A4 Springfield Rifle; Pattern 1913/1914 and M1917 Rifles; Other U ...
Extractors (video mini lesson) - AGI Gunsmiths
2013年12月31日 · The Bren LMG (Light Machine Gun) The Semi-Automatic Bren LMG (Light Machine Gun) Other LMG/HMG and SMG Forum; The Ross Rifle Knowledge Library Collectors Forum; M1 Garand/M14/M1A Rifles. M1 Garand/M14/M1A Picture of the Day Forum; M16A2/AR15A2 Rifles; M1/M2 Carbine; M1903/1903A3/A4 Springfield Rifle; Pattern 1913/1914 and M1917 Rifles; Other U ...
1909 Peruvian Infantry Rifle (Mfg by Mauser-Werke A.G.
2008年4月24日 · Observations: (by "Claven2") Note: Pics of rifle provided courtesy of Milsurps.com member "Longbranch*". Between 1910 and 1914, Peru purchased approximately 50,000 M1909 military Mausers from Mauser Werke in Germany.
Charging handle interchange
2017年8月30日 · The Bren LMG (Light Machine Gun) The Semi-Automatic Bren LMG (Light Machine Gun) Other LMG/HMG and SMG Forum; The Ross Rifle Knowledge Library Collectors Forum; M1 Garand/M14/M1A Rifles. M1 Garand/M14/M1A Picture of the Day Forum; M16A2/AR15A2 Rifles; M1/M2 Carbine; M1903/1903A3/A4 Springfield Rifle; Pattern 1913/1914 and M1917 Rifles; Other U ...
WW2 Luftwaffe Contract Hungarian P-37's.....4 to compare.
2019年3月24日 · Pistole M 37 Kal. 7,65 mm. The balance of the contract were marked P. Mod. 37 Kal. 7,65. Left to right by production in the group of 3. I have shown in the group pic an original Hungarian issued Femaru ( FEG ) at the bottom that is in the original .380 cal. and probably made in late 1940 or early 1941.