配線用遮断器 シリーズ・ラインアップ 低圧遮断器 | 製品情報 | 三菱電機FA
電動機と配線の保護を兼用する225Aフレーム以下のノーヒューズ遮断器です。 三菱電機FAサイトでは、低圧遮断器 (配線用遮断器)に関する最新情報・製品情報・技術資料・カタログなどの情報を掲載しています。
A9N18106 - Acti9 iC65N DC 1P C 6A MCB | 施耐德电气
Acti9 iC65N DC 1P C 6A MCB. A9N18106. Environmental Data. Environmental Data. 碳足迹 (kg CO2 eq.) 18. Use Again.
18639 Schneider Electric | Schneider Electric MG NG MCB, 3P, 65A …
NG125 circuit breakers are suitable for high power cut-off requirements, start-up from power panel and entry from modular enclosure head. C curve to control and protect against circuit over-currents (general applications). The magnetic trip units operate between 5 and 10 In. Range of differential units and auxiliaries available in catalogue.
NXB MCB P-024 IEC/EN60898-1 CE Overload protection, short circuit protection, positive isolation Rated current: 6A, 10A, 16A, 20A, 25A, 32A, 40A; Rated voltage: 230V; Frequency: 50/60Hz; Thermal magnetic release: C, D; Number of poles: 1P+N; Mechanical life: 20000 cycles; Electrical life: 10000 cycles; Rated short-circuit breaking capacity(Icu ...
断路器的RCD, RCCB, MCB, RCBO是什么意思?有什么区别? - 知乎
RCBO:是漏电保护断路器,RCBO需要符合的标准是:国际标准 IEC 61009-1:2012 和国标GB16917.1-2003; MCB:微型断路器MCB,过载和短路保护之用。 产品应符合 GB10963.1 、IEC60898标准; 区别: 1、性质不同:微型断路器是建筑电气终端配电装置引中使用最广泛的一种终端保护电器。 漏电保护断路器是为了防止在低压线路中发生人体触电或漏电造成火灾、爆炸事故的一种开关电器。 漏电保护装置是用来防止人身触电和漏电引起事故的一种接地保护装置 …
Sシリーズ:100AF~225AF:配線用遮断器:開閉器・遮断器・高 …
断路器上面 MCB-63/3P/D32 是什么意思 - 百度知道
1.MCB是miniature circuit breake的缩写即微型断路器,中文简称微断 2.63A代表框架电流,即此断路器触头容量最大能承受63A的电流. 3.3P是3pole即三极的缩写,即用于三相回路。
A9N37225 - Acti9 iC65L DC 2P B 25A MCB | 施耐德电气
Acti9 iC65L DC 2P B 25A MCB. A9N37225. Environmental Data. Environmental Data. 碳足迹 (kg CO2 eq.) 82. Use Better.
SENTRON miniature circuit breakers (MCBs) - Siemens
MCBs of the SENTRON portfolio are easy to assemble and install. The devices can be expanded to include more functions thanks to an wide range of accessories. Miniature circuit breakers protect wires and cables in cases of short circuit and overloads and are a fundamental component in end-to-end protection concepts.
AIM-65AT-20103000 Advantech | Mouser India - Mouser …
AIM-65AT-20103000 Advantech Panel PCs 8I/2G/32G/WIN10/bgn/NA/GPS datasheet, inventory & pricing.