666 (band) - Wikipedia
666 was a German DJ act formed by Thomas Detert and Mike Griesheimer in 1997. Their brand of trance music often included lyrics in both Spanish and English. The act disbanded in 2005.
ArtStation - Kan Liu(666K信譞)
Principal Illustration Artist at Riot Games 微博666K信譞xuan
大触专访丨拳头大佬信譞,众多顶级项目的Art Lead,用实践和设 …
——666k信譞~众多顶级项目的Art Lead,用色高级、创意爆棚,用实践和设计不断追求卓越! 李小龙在论说武术家修为时,就曾以水来比喻武术的最高境界。 在他的一段”水的哲学”里是这么阐述的:“清空所想,像水一样,无形无相。 入杯即为杯,入瓶即为瓶,入壶即为壶。 静,可细水潺流;动,可骇浪滔天。 而今天介绍的这位大大,也非常喜欢研究水的画法,不少作品都会融入水的元素。 他凭借多年的研究和精湛的画技,将水的形态表现得淋漓尽致。 水在他的画面中不单只 …
分享国人画师Kan Liu(666K信譞)的插画 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2022年8月25日 · 画师 Kan Liu (666K信譞)国人画师、国际知名插画艺术家。 一年产出190张作品的同时还能保质保量。 曾参加过 《英雄联盟》 《炉石传说》等知名项目。 同时也是第四届GGAC大赛2D组的评委老师。 这是他的一段话: 对网络接触越多,就越焦虑。 因为会让你独自一人,面对整个世界。 同理,看穿这一切,回归认知到一个如此勇敢的你,从力所能及的事情开始,让自己变得更好。 ——Kan Liu(666K信譞) 下面就请欣赏一下他的一些国风满满的画 …
666 Discography: Vinyl, CDs, & More | Discogs
666 was a German DJ act, formed by Thomas Detert and Mike Griesheimer in 1997. They produced a mix of dance music and often included lyrics in Spanish and English. The act disbanded in 2005.
Kan Liu(666K信譞)
Principal Illustration Artist at Riot Games 微博666K信譞xuan. 666K. Resume. 666K; Resume; To friends on Artstation. 666K's line art update. Sketches, Girls. Watch Out! K/DA ALL OUT KEYART. Candy,Rabbit and Girls. Sketches and Girls. Core Boat and Cute Priest Five . Girl and Girls. That would be expensive. Tying hair and getting ready.
666 - Milestone Artist
Förutom sångarens röst går igenom dig och de musikaliska gimmickarna, som utgör det typiska 666-soundet som snart skulle kopieras av många andra producenter och band. Sedan 1997 har gruppen etablerat sig som kungar av sin tid och med en turné som tycks sakna slut.
666 Wiki, biography, pictures, 666 songs & albums
666 is |1) a German band created by Thomas Detert and Mike Griesheimer. They produce hard house and often include lyrics in Spanish (Amokk, Alarma, Bomba!) but sometimes in English (Supa-Dupa-Fly) and rarely in German. 666 is portrayed as a gothic horror style band, but is most likely just a marketing facade than an actual lifestyle.
Kan Liu (@artof666k) • Instagram photos and videos
296K Followers, 170 Following, 677 Posts - Kan Liu (@artof666k) on Instagram: "Principal Illustration Artist at Riot Games https://www.artstation.com/666kart https://twitter.com/666KArt"
Resume - Kan Liu(666K信譞)
I'm an Illustrator and I love drawing! more high-res art on patreon. Painted two illustrations for Blizzard Entertainment. These paintings were used in Hearthstone: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan. This is my personal art book. It's not finished yet. It will be published in China in 2016. Painted three illustrations for Blizzard Entertainment.