999 and 682 - SCP FOUNDATION SCPs Wiki
SCP-999 is released into SCP-682’s containment area. SCP-999 immediately slithers towards SCP-682. 999: (elated gurgles) 682: (unintelligible groans, growling) What is that? SCP-999 …
Experiment Log T-98816-OC108/682 - SCP Foundation
SCP-682 begins thrashing violently, emitting several roaring sounds and issuing profanity directed at testing staff. SCP-682 becomes entangled with SCP-162, primarily in the lower body, head, …
SCP-999 - SCP Foundation
2023年12月28日 · SCP-999 is released into SCP-682’s containment area. SCP-999 immediately slithers towards SCP-682. 999: (elated gurgles) 682: (unintelligible groans, growling) What is …
SCP-682 - SCP Foundation
2024年10月10日 · Description: SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin. It appears to be extremely intelligent, and was observed to engage in complex …
SCP-999 - 挠痒痒怪物 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
scp-999 开始像一只兴奋的小狗一样在 682 面前跳来跳去,发出尖锐的尖叫声。 就像它对待所有生物一样,682 认为在它面前蹦蹦跳跳的生物很恶心,几乎不值得去摧毁。 基金会还在努力 …
SCP-682 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-999 and SCP-682 were involved in a cross-test between the two, for the purposes of removing 682's omnicidal tendencies. 682 almost immediately crushed 999 under its foot, but …
SCP-999 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
A cross-test was conducted between SCP-999 and SCP-682 in order to eliminate 682's omnicidal tendencies. 682 almost immediately crushed 999 beneath its foot, but 999 used its tickling to …
SCP-682(不灭孽蜥) - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
SCP-682 是网络作品/虚构组织 SCP基金会 (Special Containment Procedures Foundation)的登场角色/收容物,是基金会最出名的收容物之一,已被列入基金会传承条目。 在基于SCP基金 …
Scp-999 | SCP FOUNDATION SCPs Wiki | Fandom
SCP-999 appears to be a large, amorphous, gelatinous mass of translucent orange slime, weighing about 54 kg (120 lbs) with a consistency similar to that of peanut butter. Subject’s …
Scp-682 | SCP FOUNDATION SCPs Wiki | Fandom
SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin. It appears to be extremely intelligent, and was observed to engage in complex communication with SCP-079 during their …
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