691st Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group
The mission of the 691 ISR Group is to execute operations providing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance to national decision makers, while providing planning, programming, logistics, and systems engineering expertise to execute cryptologic missions, in addition to promoting community relations and public affairs initiatives within a mu...
70th ISR Wing > Sixteenth Air Force (Air Forces Cyber) > Display
The 691st ISR Group activated May 2016. The group provides intelligence to the President of the United States, Secretary of Defense, combatant commanders, and warfighters worldwide. They enable Air Force National-Tactical Integration and expeditionary signals intelligence.
70th ISR Wing - AF
Officially, the 70th ISRW was activated on Aug. 16, 2000, at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland. Groups subordinate to the 70th ISRW are: 373d ISR Group, 543d ISR Group, 544th ISR Group, 659th ISR Group, 691st ISR Group, and the 707th ISR Group. As the Airmen of the 70th ISRW say: “Roosters! Rise and Shine!”
Return of the 691st ISR Group, aiding partners and Air Force ...
2016年5月6日 · Officially inactivated in September 2014 at Royal Air Force Menwith Hill Station, United Kingdom, the 691st ISRG has now stood up to link Air and Space operations with the Global Cryptologic Enterprise. The group was chosen to be re-activated to increase mission effectiveness aiding intelligence community partners and the Air Force.
Return of the 691st ISR Group, aiding NSA and Air Force ... - AF
Colonel David James, 691st Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group commander, stands at attention as the assumption of command order is published during the 691st ISRG re-activation ceremony May 5, 2016, at Fort George G. Meade, Md. Prior...
691 Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Group (AFISRA)
Approved to use 6910 Electronic Security Wing emblem on 31 May 1989. Prepared by Patsy Robertson. Reviewed by Daniel Haulman. Lineage. Constituted as 691 Electronic Security Wing on 21 Jun 1988. Activated on 15 Jul 1988. Inactivated on 1 Oct 1991. Redesignated as 691 Intelligence Group on 10 Jan 2008. Activated on 31 Jan 2008.
Return of the 691st ISR Group, aiding NSA and Air Force ... - DVIDS
2016年5月5日 · Officially inactivated in September 2014 at Royal Air Force Menwith Hill Station, United Kingdom, the 691st ISRG has now stood up to link Air and Space operations with the Global Cryptologic...
691st Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group
The United States Air Force's 691st Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group (691 ISRG) is an intelligence unit located at RAF Menwith Hill, United Kingdom. The mission of the 691 ISR Group is to execute operations providing intelligence, …
691 Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Group (ACC)
Approved to use 6910 Electronic Security Wing emblem on 31 May 1989. Newly rendered on 25 Mar 2011. Prepared by Carl E. Bailey. Lineage. Constituted as 691 Electronic Security Wing on 21 Jun 1988. Activated on 15 Jul 1988. Inactivated on 1 Oct 1991. Redesignated as 691 Intelligence Group on 10 Jan 2008. Activated on 31 Jan 2008.
Air Force 691st ISR Group Inactivates after 6 Years
ROYAL AIR FORCE MENWITH HILL, England -- The 691st ISR Group officially Inactivated Sept. 15 after contributing more than six years of collaborative efforts to the Signals-Intelligence Enterprise...