6AG7 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 6AG7 is an American metal valve designed for single ended audio output stages. Probably for receiver use. The thin metal tube envelope is 25 mm in diameter and, excluding the IO …
6AG7 on May 24, 1939, Release No. 187, under the sponsorship of Radio Corporation of America, Harrison, New Jersey. ... ( h+k+g2+g3+B+i,g. ) p to (h+k+g2+g3+3+i,8, ) Pins and …
6AG7, Tube 6AG7; Röhre 6AG7 ID3125, Vacuum Pentode
Tube 6AG7 or Röhre 6AG7 ID3125, Vacuum Pentode, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6ag7 metal pentodes - diyAudio
I have four NOS 6ag7 pentodes in my spares box. Does anyone know if these are suitable for audio use ?
The AA8V 6AG7 Amplifier - Why Use A 6AG7? - Frostburg State University
It's not an easy question to answer, but on this page I will walk you through how I came to choose the 6AG7 tube for this amplifier. By following along with me on this example you should get a …
Vacuum Tube SPICE Models | Page 136 - diyAudio
2013年10月11日 · Here is update for 6AG7_GE, briefly tested ok in MicroCap. Is there a straightforward way to modify these models to work properly in MicroCap? I've been using the …
VT-247 @ The Valve Museum
The VT-247 was designed for single ended audio output stages. Most likely use being for radio receivers. The commercial type is 6AG7 and this is also printed on the can. The American …
いとしの真空管たち - hp1.server-shared.com
6CL6は、6AG7(メタル管)に替わるテレビ受像機の映像増幅出力管として設計され、日本での使用例は昭和30年代半ばまでの初期モノクロ・テレビに使用されておりました。 その後の …
6AG7 - qsl.net
Name: 6AG7 Use: Metal tube type used in output stage of video amplifier of television receivers. Also used in low power RF service as an RF amplifier, driver, and oscillator. Also found in …
6AG7 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 6AG7 was designed for single ended audio output stages. Most likely use being for radio receivers. The make and origin are printed on the back of the envelope. The thin metal tube …