6AU6 6AQ5 SE Amp Questions - diyAudio
2022年10月6日 · I purchased an assembled 6AU6 6AQ5 SE Amp from China. It worked as assembled but was not correct. The PCB was not correct. I had to cut traces, add correct …
6AQ5 SE amp build from Ampro parts - EL34 World
2019年6月8日 · I've seen schematics for 6AQ5 SE amps, which have a single preamp tube, usually a 12AX7. But if you take a look at the attached pics, you'll see there is a 12AX7 and a …
6AQ5 SE 4w guitar amp schematic and sound clips - diyAudio
2019年5月25日 · Attached is the schematic for the modified "hybrid" 6AQ5 amp. Via front panel switches I can dial in the FET stage to get some smooth early crunch, or I can switch it out to …
6AQ5/12AX7 SE Amp - HiFi Haven
2015年9月1日 · I'm starting a simple build of a 6AQ5 SE Amp. The schematics are from Tom Bavis. I'm using a small Hammond box and iron from a Webcor r to r. I'm not going to show …
Recomendations for SE 6AQ5 Schematics? - diyAudio
2013年10月20日 · I am interested in building a single ended 6AQ5 amplifier. Can anyone please recommend a set of schematics that they have built from?
An interesting 6aq5 SE amp. - audiokarma.org
2024年11月30日 · A few years ago I put a little 6AQ5 SE amp together and thought it sounded pretty good. I wound up taking it apart and using the power trany for a SE guitar amp.
Optimizing a 6AU6_6AQ5 SE Amp - Audiokarma Home Audio …
2022年3月6日 · I'll be using a 4 ohm speaker. 1. If possible I would like to increase the gain of the 6AU6 in triode mode. Not sure if I should lower the plate resistor. The 6AU6 is rated for 275V …
浅谈设计6aq5(6p1)电路图 - 胆机与电子管 - PCHIFI.ORG
2022年4月14日 · 前言:6aq5基本参数与6p1基本相似,其代用管为6005.暂时市场售价也比较容易接受,笔者将以简单的方式阐述设计图纸的过程. 6p1为小9脚功率放大管,可谓一代经典电子 …
6AQ5 output amps that you really like how they sound
2015年10月29日 · Can any of you recommend a 6AQ5 design that you really like the sound of? I'm looking for a low output circuit that can go from nice and clean, to full metal distortion with …
HIFIDIY论坛-发点6AQ5推挽的线路图 - Powered by Discuz!
2024年10月18日 · 发点6AQ5推挽的线路图,多同学找,看看是否合适。 当然是名机的```第1个是很多大烧做的6AU6+6C4+6AQ5. 谢谢楼主,记下备用。 图不错~支持一下! 严重感谢楼主的 …