6B1 ballistic vest - Wikipedia
6B1 (Russian: 6Б1) was a Soviet ballistic vest created in 1957 for use by the Soviet Armed Forces. It was intended as a standard equipment for the Army, but was never mass produced. It saw limited usage during Soviet-Afghan war. 6B1 body armor was developed by All-Russian Institute Of Aviation Materials (VIAM).
冷战时期的重甲步兵-苏联陆军6B系列防弹衣的发展与特征 - 知乎
6b1是二战后苏联最早的防弹衣,其防弹板为铝制,呈鱼鳞形相互重叠,这与二战时使用的苏联防弹衣不同,它可以部分保持其柔韧性。 根据各种消息来源,所有这些防弹衣约生产了1500至3000件。
6B1 ballistic vest - Military Wiki
6B1 (language: 6Б1) was a Soviet ballistic vest created in 1957 for use by the Soviet Armed Forces. It was intended as a standard equipment for the Army, but was never mass produced. It saw limited usage during Soviet-Afghan war. 6B1 body armor was developed by All-Russian Institute Of Aviation Materials (VIAM).
苏联防弹衣发展简史:从金属到凯夫拉 增设钛装甲 满足作战需要
6b1,1957年(金属) 1954年,根据国防部火箭炮兵装备总局(GRAU)的命令,全联盟航空材料研究所(VIAM)开始研制新型防弹衣。 1957年,这种防弹衣被苏军接受,但没有进行大批量生产,只小批量生产了大约1500件。
First armor vest made in USSR "6B1" (6Б1). Manufactured in 1957-1958. Total produced ~1500 vests, most of them are lost, there are no more 14 vests in private collections.
Zabralo ballistic vests - Wikipedia
"Zabralo" (6B11, 6B12, 6B13) (Russian: "Забрало", lit. ' Visor ') is a series of ballistic vests created for the Russian Armed Forces under the supervision of GRAU for inclusion in the basic set of personal equipment "Barmitsa". They were intended as a replacement for the Soviet ballistic vests 6B3, 6B4 and 6B5.
苏联防弹衣发展简史:从金属到凯夫拉 增设钛装甲 满足作战需要
2022年9月6日 · 这种防弹衣重5.2千克,由三部分组成:左胸、右胸和后背。 可以有效抵挡50米距离PPSh、PPS冲锋枪(口径7.62×25mm)的射击和炮弹破片。 主要防护材料由铝合金制造,厚3mm,边缘呈六边形,整齐排列在防弹衣内部。 面层材料为Avizen,衬里为绗缝棉絮层。 这些制造出来的6B1防弹衣装备了前往阿富汗前线的苏军第40集团军。 装备这些防弹衣的苏军士兵反映,需要减轻重量。 ZhZT-71/ZhZT-71M,1971年(金属) 1971年,根据苏联内务部技术部门 …
俄罗斯战术防弹背心的发展历史 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年3月20日 · 6b1型防破片背心. 1954年,苏联炮兵装备总监局委托全苏航空材料研究院研发了6b1型防弹背心,这是一种由3毫米铝合金板鳞片状排布的棉质防破片背心,与同时期的美制m12铝合金防破片背心的防护思路类似。
6b1 Vest for sale - eBay
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Body armors for the Soviet faction : r/83thegame - Reddit
2019年8月17日 · Another vest also seen in the early years of the Afghanistan war was the older 6B1. Developed in 1954 and officially issued in 1957, it had been manufactured in very limited numbers, though some of them were issued in Afghanistan. It was designed to stop sharpnel and 7.62 calibers fired by submachine guns at short distance.