6B45 ballistic vest - Wikipedia
6B45 (Russian: 6Б45) is a standard ballistic vest of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is a part of Ratnik infantry combat system. It was adopted in 2014 as a replacement for the 6B23 vest. [1] 6B45 vest has been developed by Techinkom company located …
2018年3月30日 · 6B45-1的配发对象主要是城市巷战人员 车辆重武器操作员 以及特种部队 等高度暴露于敌方火力下的战斗人员,配发量不大 当然了,以俄国人一贯的脾性,就算东西设计的再好,也总会有各种各样的小毛病——比如插扣不耐用。
6B45 ballistic vest | Military Wiki | Fandom
6B45 (language: 6Б45) is a standard ballistic vest of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is a part of Ratnik infantry combat system. It was adopted in 2014 as a replacement for the 6B23 vest. [1] 6B45 vest has been developed by Techinkom company located …
2019年12月2日 · 俄罗斯6B45防弹衣是俄罗斯“武士单兵系统2代” ( Ратник-2)中的防护子系统核心,配发于2014年,随后随着俄罗斯武装力量进入叙利亚,频繁在媒体上曝光。
北国利剑:俄罗斯Ratnik“战士”系统系列简介 - 哔哩哔哩
根据GOST R 50744-95的规定,主体的防弹衣(命名为6B45“6Б45”)的防护等级为6级(当然6B45真正配发下来使用5级板的情况比较多,然而5级板就不能像6级板那样挡住.338 Lapua了),重7.5千克(这是只有本体前后两块板时的重量,当系统内配套的所有插板(包括尾椎板 ...
军事科普丨唯一的全防护4级甲,代表着“格勒”的暴力美学 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年12月18日 · 在防护方面,6B45可兼容使用“花岗岩”系列陶瓷插板,防护等级最高可达 GOST 5A级,足以抵御7.62×39毫米穿甲燃烧子弹的射击。 而强化了防护的突击型变种则可以进一步提升至GOST 6A级——没错,就是暗区中的同名6级甲6B45重装型防弹衣。
Are the Russian Hard Body Armor plate carriers 6B45 and 6B23-1 ... - Reddit
2022年3月1日 · That's that one time I can shine. 6b45 has sewn in aramid layers on all sides, covering pretty much every part of the plate carrier. It's Gost 2 rated, as already mentioned and serves as an additional underlayer and shrapnel protection.
今天来说说van家大爱俄货6b45 - 哔哩哔哩
除了装甲板外内侧配套了可拆卸凯芙拉纤维板以提供更好的防护性与颈部肩部的内置凯芙拉纤维防护。 其背部配有救援拖拽装置,可实施有效的拉走抢救。 当然啥也不图穿起来保暖也还可以(迫真)新版本外观为迷彩织带,旧版本外观为绿色织带。 市场指导价我就不多说了,详情请见各大卖场🤪。 就简单的介绍到这了,如果有什么不全不对的地方欢迎小伙伴们评论指正! 感谢看到这里的你! 肝文不易,麻烦动动您发财的小手点个关注点个赞! 在这里祝大家天天开心! 年年发财!
Ratnik (program) - Wikipedia
Ratnik protects almost 90% of a soldier's body. The main body armor with plates, designated 6B45 '6Б45', is rated at protection class 6, according to GOST R 50744-95, [13] and weighs 7.5 kg (with the Assault variant weighing up to 15 kg).