Russian 6C19p Audio Tubes - www.thetubestore.com
Order Russian 6C19p vacuum tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier.
6C19P(6S19P、7233)SEPPアンプの最大出力 - FC2
6C19Pはプレートの引き出し線が4本も取り付けられていて、小型管で11Wのプレート損失を確保しているようである。 6080の1ユニットにほぼ匹敵する能力と思われるが、ヒーター電力については6080の1ユニット相当値(6.3V1.25A)の80%(6.3V1A)と少し有利である。
6C19P / 6S19P / 6C19PI Vintage Tube NOS - Audiophonics
NOS 6C19P / 6S19P new replacement tube. This new vintage tube is used in some tube amplifiers including the Little Dot II + and the REX VK-32SE. Compatibility: 6S19, 6C19PI and 6C19p. Features:/ P> Application: Headphone amplifier or …
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6C19P - Tube Data
Title: 6C19P Author: Soviet Subject: JA-FP-2001-04-29 Created Date: 4/29/2001 10:14:55 PM
6С19П, Tube 6С19П; Röhre 6С19П ID18825, Triode, vacuum
Tube 6С19П or Röhre 6С19П ID18825, Triode, vacuum, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and Power-supply shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6C19P A类阴极平衡输出放大器【转贴】 - 『胆艺轩音响技术论坛 …
2007年9月17日 · 这次使用的输出管还是6c19p。一般来说,a类阴极平衡输出放大器的内部阻抗很低,适用于gm较高的真空管。把6c19p和6an5wa的3结比较的话,内部阻抗较低的管,gm就不太高。虽然是这样,可选择的范围有限,再加上我个人的喜好,结果这次还是选择了6c19p。
6c19p se otl - diyAudio
Basically it is Power = current * current * speaker impedance. Current is limited to whatever value you bias the 6S19P's (about 100mA, each, I think), so a total of 400mA. This would give 640mW into 4R, 1280mW into 8R and 2560mW into 16R. Not much, actually... Thanks Erik. I though so too,that it repsesended the speaker. So,that's about.. 20W.
★ロシア★真空管 - aitendo
6SZ19P / 6S19P / 6C19P - Vint'Elec - Vintage electronic tubes
In terms of technical specifications, the 6C19P is a rugged Russian-made diode tube that can withstand high voltages and currents, ensuring exceptional reliability under demanding conditions. It has a maximum voltage rating of 650V and a current rating of 300mA, making it an excellent choice for high-power audio amplifiers.
6C19P / EY83 damping diode tube - Tubes-Store.com
Russian 6C19P damping diode tube. Equivalents to the EY83. NEW&NOS! Name: 6C19P; Type: damping diode; Application: damping; Cathode type: oxide, indirect heating; Envelope: glass, miniature; Mass, g: 20; Filament voltage, V: 6,3; Filament current, A: 1,0-1,2; Anode current, mA: 175; Socket type: rsh8; Max.reverse anode voltage, kV: 4,5.