我今天上午试验了6C4的阴出电路 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音 …
2010年9月4日 · 选择6c4的理由很多,比如体积小、灯丝电流小(本人最腻味灯丝电流大的管子 )、点亮了很漂亮、框架栅极结构超高跨导(这样电路的输出内阻会很低)....等等 还有就是6c4 ...
6AQ6 & 6C4 tube substitutes or elecrically the same tube
2004年12月28日 · 6AQ 6 is roughly half a low-performance 12AT7 plus two diodes, the standard AM radio detector amplifier stage. 6AV6 was far more popular. Neither is a go-to tube in non-radio audio, but they are handy when you need an odd number of small hi-gain stages (ignore the diodes), and were used as side-chain in some speech limiters.
HIFIDIY论坛-请教:这样的工作点是否正常-实践田庆松老师6C4+6V6 …
2011年11月3日 · 调整后6c4获得要求了,而6v6的屏压在255v、帘栅压275v、负栅压12.9v,还没有达到手册上所列的理想工作点。 如再调整其阴极电阻到0.25K的话,屏流将要到达50mA,应担心超过其屏耗,所以不敢再调整了。
Before actually selecting a substitute tube, the charac teristics of the original tube, and of the pro posed substitute, should be studied, together with the circuit in which it is used. A handy table …
6C4 (1/2 - 12AU7) in first stage of Pilot 232 monoblock clone?
2018年1月19日 · Yes, a 6C4 is indeed 1/2-12AU7 and was actually the forerunner of it. The 6C4 was originally considered primarily an RF device with audio a secondary app. Most tube audio purists despise or at least dislike the 12AU7 when used for gain because its plate curves aren’t as linear as other types.
Tube Cross Reference 6 - Nostalgic Kits Central
2010年8月9日 · To prevent damage to equipment, it would be wise to double check with a good tube manual before actually doing a substitution. Tubes in the "Tube" column are directly replaceable with tubes in the "Replacement" column. The reverse will not necessarily be a correct replacement. Please report any errors.
Tube Search: Looking for 1/2 of a 12AX7 - 6C4 - OK?
2016年10月12日 · The 6AV6 is a 6.3V double-diode/triode 7-pin where the triode section is half a 12AX7. Just bypass the diode section if you go for this tube. The 12AV6 is the 12.6V version. What about a switch to flip between the 12ax7 halfs? One goes weak, switch to the other side. A spare ready to go. Jack of all trades, master of none!!
HIFIDIY论坛-求个 12AX7+6C4推6V6的推挽电路图 - Powered by …
2024年7月30日 · hifidiy论坛-最近想做个 6v6推挽机,手上有只x7 跟几只6c4打算全部用上,可是不是很会弄,初步打算是 一声道半个x7放大,6c4做屏阴倒相,可惜功夫不到家 画不出来图,希望各位大大 ...
EC90=6C4 Philips Mullard - tubeworldexpress.com
SINGLE TUBE, NOT A PAIR. Tested on Amplitrex. Vplate=250V. Vgrid=-8.5V. Good Ma range 8-10ma. Good Gm range 1800-2200.
2023年11月29日 · 胆艺轩[Tubebbs]论坛 请教:这样的工作点是否正常----实践田庆松老师的6C4+6V6单端经过一段时间的组装,田老师的6C4+6V6单端算是完成了,就我自己的肤浅感觉来讲,声音是相当的满意, ...