有谁了解纽维斯特电子管 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2022年6月9日 · 6CW4是高U单三极管,属于纽维斯特管类(nuvistor)(微型抗震电子管),5脚小管,特殊的管座。 性能优良,出现的很晚了,用于航空航天,军工导弹等。
An evaluation of the nuvistor - robkalmeijer.nl
By now most v.h.f. men who build their own receiving gear, and some who don't, have been wondering about the Nuvistor, a radically different type of tube introduced some time ago by RCA. Advance information indicated that the 6CW4 should be a very good performer in the v.h.f. range, (1) and perhaps even at 420 Mc.
6CW4 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 6CW4 Nuvistor from RCA is a triode for use at VHF and built into a small metal case. The base is ceramic sealed to the metal case and five fine pins, on a 12 pin grid, form the connections and the electrode supports internally.
6CW4是什么类型的电子管 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2013年5月9日 · 苏联的6C51H与RCA的7586类似,是中μ管 (30),6CW4是高μ. 高μ类似的有2CW4 13CW4 2DS4 6DS4 2EG4 7895 8O58 8808等. 说句稍微夸张点的话,“纽维斯特管" 管 标志着 电子管器件 的顶峰 水平。 小型化、可靠性、稳定性、抗加速度等硬性指标 都是其他类型管子无法比拟的。 但是可惜的是,这类管子 出现的年代,晶体管已经完善和初见成熟了,原件市场很快被 晶体管一统天下,所以 它只是 在人类文明的 天空中划过了美丽的一道星光就消失了~~ 说句稍 …
RCA 6CW4 Nuvistor, High-Mu Triode
The 6CW4 is a high-mu triode for use as a grounded-cathode, neutralized RF-amplifier tube in tuners of VHF television and FM receivers. Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt: 6CW4.pdf
6CW4, Tube 6CW4; Röhre 6CW4 ID3728, Triode, vacuum
Tube 6CW4 or Röhre 6CW4 ID3728, Triode, vacuum, Nuvistor and UHF shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6CW4 - TekWiki - w140.com
2023年9月27日 · The 6CW4 (P/N 154-0323-00) is a Nuvistor triode vacuum tube introduced in the late 1950s, originally designed for RF amplifier applications in TV and FM tuners.
Hammarlund HQ-170 series Receivers Specifications
This control adjusts the local VFO of the last mixer (input of the sideband selection), it must be settled at 0 Kcs for AM-CW, about +1.5 for LSB, and -1.5 for USB. The HQ-170 is an excellent receiver for Ham bands, it does not require major improvements, just touch-ups, if something goes wrong suspect a failure not a design defect.
TRIO TR-2 - seidensha-ltd.co.jp
ほぼ中央が、ニュービスタ 6CW4のソケット: 今回問題があった電源部分 +B全波整流ダイオード2本を交換 青色の太い線・・・dc-dc Trコレクタへ接続される線ですが、トランスの端子のところで外しました
6CW4是什么类型的电子管 - 百度知道
6CW4是高U单三极管,属于纽维斯特管类(nuvistor)(微型抗震电子管),5脚小管,特殊的管座。 性能优良,出现的很晚了,用于航空航天,军工导弹等。