6dF Galaxy Survey
2014年9月16日 · The 6dF Galaxy Survey (6dFGS) has mapped the nearby universe over nearly half the sky. Its 136,304 spectra have yielded 110,256 new extragalactic redshifts and a new catalogue of 125,071 galaxies. A peculiar velocity survey of 8885 galaxies is measuring galaxy masses and bulk motions
About the Survey - 6dF Galaxy Survey
The 6dF Galaxy Survey story. In 2001 our international team of astronomers started an ambitious project to measure the distances to more than one hundred thousand galaxies - and in the process, map a sizable volume of our nearby universe. Measuring the masses and motions of the galaxies was also part of the plan: all the ingredients that shape ...
Gallery - 6dF Galaxy Survey
Gallery of assorted 6dFGS images and figures: (schmidt_large.jpg) (schmidt_small.jpg) (Slide01.jpg) (Slide02.jpg) (Slide03.jpg)
6dF Galaxy Survey - Refereed Publications
The 6dF Galaxy Survey: Stellar Population Trends Across and Through the Fundamental Plane [This paper includes 3D interactive figures that can only be viewed in Adobe Reader 8.0 or higher.]
2.1 6dF spectra and sample selection The main characteristics of the 6dFGS, including the 6-degree Field (6dF) instrument, target catalogue construction, the allocation of fields and fibres to targets, data reduction, and procedures for red-shift determination, are reported in Jones et al. (2004). Briefly, 6dF
The 6dF Galaxy Survey •A redshift and peculiar velocity survey of galaxies in the local universe •Observations obtained over 5 years (2001-2006) using the UK Schmidt Telescope and the 6dF spectrograph •Covers the southern sky with |b|>10º •Primary galaxy sample from 2MASS with K tot<12.75 (88% complete) •Also H<13.0, J<13.75 (2MASS) and
We report the final redshift release of the 6dF Galaxy Survey, a combined redshift and peculiar velocity survey over the southern sky (|b| > 10 ). Its 136304 spectra have yielded 110256 new extragalactic redshifts and a new cat-alogue of 125071 galaxies making near-complete samples with (K,H,J,r F,b J) 6 (12.65,12.95,13.75,15.60,16.75).
The 6dFGSv peculiar velocity field - 6dF Galaxy Survey
The 6dF Galaxy Survey is both a redshift survey and a peculiar velocity survey. The latter, also referred to as 6dFGSv, is presented in Springob et al. (2014, MNRAS in press). The paper includes a table of logarithmic distance ratios for all 8885 galaxies in the survey (Table 1), presented in its entirety here.
4 C. Magoulas et al. Figure 1. Panels (a)–(d): Comparison of the observed effective radius against predicted effective radius (calculated from equation 2) for mock samples all w
6dF Galaxy Survey : Workshop 2005
HOPCAT, 6dF and Star Formation Rates Deriving galaxy ages and metallicities using 6dF