6DJ8 - Wikipedia
The 6DJ8 is a miniature nine-pin medium-gain dual- triode vacuum tube. It is distinguished by its very high transconductance, mostly the result of its frame grid construction. Versions of the tube are named ECC88, E88CC, 6922, E188CC, CV4108, 7308, 6N1P and 6N23P.
6DJ8, Tube 6DJ8; Röhre 6DJ8 ID4763, Double Triode
Tube 6DJ8 or Röhre 6DJ8 ID4763, Double Triode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6DJ8 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The design is ruggedly constructed and the 6DJ8 is the American designation. The valve is a pair of screened triodes. They are low voltage and low impedance, used for wideband amplification in the oscilloscope but originally designed for VHF front ends where they were designed to operate as a cascode amplifier just as the earlier PCC84 .
6DJ8 / 6922 / ECC88 / E88CC / CV2492 PreAmp Vacuum
Tube Depot carries a selection of 6DJ8 / 6922 / ECC88 / E88CC / CV2492 Pre Amp Vacuum Tubes. New & NOS tubes from Electro-Harmonix & other brands!
JJ Electronic - E88CC - 6922, 6DJ8
E88CC is the European Name of 6922/6DJ8. It is often used for Hi-Fi applications. It provides very smooth mids and high end with a lot of detail.
HIFIDIY论坛-再发个不错的的6DJ8前级电路、、、 - Powered by …
2015年10月25日 · hifidiy论坛-这是我正在用着的一个前级,先发个图,这段很忙,待稍后再作些补充吧、、、1、原理图2、频率特性仿真图(可看到低频部分没有衰减反而稍微有提升,这恰好对整 ...
6DJ8 (ECC88, 6922, E88CC, CCa) Tubes in Stock
This 1968 GE 6DJ8 / ECC88 tube was made in the USA. It has gray plates and a disc getter with smoked glass. The white print on the glass has the GE logo. Tube tests as new with balanced sections and phono grade noise levels.
6DJ8 Tubes From Brent Jessee Recording - Audiotubes.com
The 6DJ8 is a twin triode in a small 9-pin miniature glass package, with a very high transconductance for each triode unit. Well made vintage versions of this tube are quite low noise and can be found in many tube preamplifiers, phono preamps, and headphone amplifiers.
6DJ8/6922 特性実測データ - op316.com
6DJ8 (原種は7DJ8)は、そもそもカスコード接続で高周波回路に使用するために開発された低雑音低rp高gm管ですが、この低雑音低rp高gmという性質が今日の真空管オーディオ回路の要求にぴったり合ったために、メーカー製アンプにおいても重用されるようになったのでしょう。 12AU7や6SN7GTと比較すると、rpは低く、μはやや高く、Cg-pは小さい、フレーム・グリッド構造なので振動によるノイズが小さい、という願ってもない特徴を持っています。 2つのプ …
用6DJ8和6N3制作靓声胆前级-接线图网 - jiexiantu.com
作者:戴洪志 6DJ8是飞利浦 (PHILIPS)公司在上个世纪60年代开发的,应用到音响放大器上音效表现颇佳,受到广泛好评。 此胆屏极工作电压较低,屏流较大,放大线性良好,处理微弱信号的能力优于常用的高u双三极管。 有资料介绍,它的优异...