6E5, Tube 6E5; Röhre 6E5 ID2111, Mag. Eye, 1 shadow angle
Tube 6E5 or Röhre 6E5 ID2111, Mag. Eye, 1 shadow angle, 6-Pin-Base U6A, old, USA and Indication shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6E5 Tube - Antique Radio Forums
2025年2月2日 · 6E5-M = miniature 7-pin tuning indicator tube of Japanese origin. As for the 6Q7G and 6F6G, you can use their metal equivalents (6Q7 and 6F6 respectively) or their …
6E5 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The magic eye class of tuning indicator originated in the US and Type 6E5 was one of the earliest types to hit the market. Almost all European types are more-or-less directly copied from it. …
电子管的Tuning Indicat - 电子发烧友网
6e5是锐截止型调谐指示管,指示非常灵敏,用于普通收音机中最为合适。 早期的6E5都是六脚玻璃管,后来的6E 5G 等等电子管改用八脚管,不过它们的基本特性都相同。
6Е5С, Tube 6Е5С; Röhre 6Е5С ID3563, Mag. Eye, 1 shadow angle ...
Ersetzt man eine EM4 oder EM34 durch eine 6E5C, so ist diese schon bei mittleren Signalen voll ausgesteuert, der Bereich von mittleren bis starken Signalen ist dann nicht mehr zu …
マジックアイ 6E5 ラジオ用真空管原理や寿命 使い方 - ne
6E5はベースを外せば、代用真空管のベースに使えます。 この図は新ラジオ技術教科書(1952年5月発行)129頁より。 これに電子が衝突すると緑色に光る仕掛け。 この電圧で光る範囲が …
6E5-M, Tube 6E5-M; Röhre 6E5-M ID25859, Magic Eye, generally ...
Tube 6E5-M or Röhre 6E5-M ID25859, Magic Eye, generally, Miniatur-7-Pin-Base B7G, USA 1940 and Indication shown. Radio tubes are valves.
- [PDF]
Title: 6E5 Author: Tung-Sol Subject: FP-2004-04-04 Created Date: 4/4/2004 12:43:44 PM
SS6E5 - Rabjohn Family Website
Solid-State 6E5/6U5 Documentation. History of the project. History. This document describes the LED based replacement for a 6E5, 6U5, 1629, etc. (Updated April 2024) SS6E5 (old version …
The luminous disk of 6E5 has a single line of shadow that passes 90 degrees, no signal received, a gradual closure giving a full circle on a strong station. This circular, with a cover in center, …