6E5, Tube 6E5; Röhre 6E5 ID2111, Mag. Eye, 1 shadow angle
The normal 6E5 is 6 pin base and "bulb" shape. The 6E5C is straight sided and octal base. So if you change the tube socket or there is space for an octal to 6 pin adaptor (by moving the existing base which usually isn't on the chassis), then yes it should work. The pattern is the same and the sensitivity should be similar.
一款由LM3915驱动的硅代6E5C - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机 …
2021年5月23日 · 6E5C、6U5、EM34等阴极射线指示管以其绿色的动态荧光指示,深受大众喜爱,因其在电子管收音机调谐时闪动闭合,宛如顾盼生姿的眼睛,被称作“MAGIC EYE”——魔眼。 随着晶体管的高速发展,这类荧光指示管日益显得珍贵。 用颜色丰富寿命超长的发光二极管来代替她们,许多人也在不断尝试。 搜寻网络,这类试验比比皆是,有些几乎可以乱真。 以下有两个做得比较好的例子的链接,分享给大家。 最近我也利用LM3915这个集成块完成了硅代6E5C。 …
6e5c到底怎么用啊? - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2012年5月24日 · 前辈您指的是输入信号电压低吧? 把它接到输出变压器初级可否? 不能直接交流信号或"正"电压. 接输出要接一个几十K电阻.再整接二极管整流. 负极接6E5栅极. 栅极电压0v時阴影角度90度. 栅极电压-8v左右时阴影闭合. 0到-8v之间変化时阴影. 张开. 闭合. 类似你"头像"上半部分.做输出指示很好! 我不会发电路图. 网上能找到. 查6E5应用电路试试! 也可参照6E1或6E2应用电路. 5楼讲得对。 换一个变频管试试,我就遇到过这种情况,变频管子老了。 不能直接交流信号 …
今天把6E5C点亮了 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2013年8月15日 · 6E1和6E5这两种寿命短,早停产了,应该珍藏哟,6E2市面上还有很多,寿命也长! 楼上正确:我的6E5C用了不到两年,现已明显变暗! 与6E1相当! 翠绿色的,很漂亮啊! 早上收到和坛友交换的苏联6E5C了,下午就把它点亮了,挺高兴的 无信号时信号强信号弱苏联6E5C实验时的乱象建议大家把自己的猫眼都发上来,搞个 ... 今天把6E5C点亮了 ,矿石收音机论坛.
6E5C, Tube 6E5C; Röhre 6E5C ID27427, LOCKED OFF PART (CODE …
Tube 6E5C or Röhre 6E5C ID27427, LOCKED OFF PART (CODE 9) - see in Notes, and shown. Radio tubes are valves.
Substitutions - Magic Eye Tubes
The Russian 6E5C €, which is often referred to as the 6E5S once translated into english, has an octal base and has nearly identical electrical characteristics as the American 6E5. In recent years, the 6E5C € has become increasingly available from several former Soviet states and is nearly half the cost of a US made 6E5 , making it my ...
6E5C: the electron-optical indicator in work - YouTube
2012年7月2日 · Electronic lamp 6Е5С as the indicator of level of a sound. Music - a reversing track of Rammstein "Stripped". Tremendous effects with adjustment of an anode ...
Replacing the EM34 by the 6E5C - Radiomuseum
2012年2月6日 · In many cases it's possible to replace the rare and expensive eye tube EM34 by the Russian 6E5C (6e5s). (This 6E5C is an octal-base version of the American 6E5 (with UX6 Base)). The EM34 has two shadow angles with different sensitivity, which requires two triode units inside the bulb with different amplification as control preamps.
求助,6e5c - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered by …
2021年11月27日 · 6e5好像是大六角,6e5c是大八角。 给M35朋友看一下点亮的效果。 放抽屉里也是留着,装机也是留着,还不如把它点亮了欣赏欣赏,哈哈。 是的。 留着也没啥用,只 …
6e5c - diyAudio
Cats-eye tubes like the 6e5c (8 pin version of 6e5) are simply a triode with a florescent part in them. I looked online to see if anyone had ever used as anyting other than a vu meter in an amp. Didn't find anything. So I was wondering if there was any reason they couldn't be used to amplify an audio signal?