6Ф3П, Tube 6Ф3П; Röhre 6Ф3П ID18916, Triode-Beam Power Tube ...
Tube 6Ф3П or Röhre 6Ф3П ID18916, Triode-Beam Power Tube, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and Audio Frequency shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6F3P / 6BM8 / ECL82 Svetlana triode-beam power tube - Tubes …
6F3P / 6BM8 / ECL82 Svetlana triode-beam power tube Vacuum tubes, Capacitors, Nixie Tubes, Indicators, VFD display, LED, Sockets. Wholesale & retail trade. Worldwide shipping.
6F3P | Tube Triode-Pentode Analog: 6BM8, ECL82 - Soviet-Tubes
Russian 6F3P tube triode-pentode Gold Grid. Low-frequency preamp and output amplifier in one tube! Equivalent of the 6BM8, ECL82
这管子谁能给个参数,管脚位图 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机 …
2015年10月8日 · 前苏联3极 5极复合管 6Ф3П是否与国产 6f3p 参数一样与西门子 ecl82或美管 6bm8 可否直接代换,先谢谢! 这管子谁能给个参数,管脚位图 ,矿石收音机论坛 设为首页 收藏本站
6F3P Triode-Pentode tube - TubeTerra
The 6F3P triode-pentode is designed for operation in low-frequency amplifiers and in vertical sweep stages of television receivers having a kinescope beam deflection angle of 70 to 110. New, old stock
6BM8 / ECL82 / 6F3P NOS Russia - Tube Amp Doctor
6BM8 / ECL82 / 6F3P type tube made in Russia, old stock, solid long life construction more
1x 6F3P Ecl82 6bm8 Russian Audiophile Gold Grid Tube Svetlana …
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1x 6F3P Ecl82 6bm8 Russian Audiophile Gold Grid Tube Svetlana NOS Tested at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Electron tube 6F3P (6Ф3П) = ECL82 = 6BM8 - RETROSTORE.EU
Electron tube 6F3P (6Ф3П) is a triode - pentode which was designed for operation in low-frequency amplifiers and in vertical sweep stages of television receivers. 6F3P is direct replacement for the american 6BM8 and european ECL82 tubes.
Any info about 6F3P, Russian substitute for 6BM8?
2011年12月1日 · It's exact equivalent ... on paper, but EU NOS tubes sounds much better, try to find some Telefunken's diamond bottom or Philips square getter. EI Yugoslavia ECL82 sounds better too, if your only option is Russian 6F3P try to find ones with OTK stamps ... Good luck!!!
6f3p Tube for sale - eBay
Get the best deals for 6f3p Tube at eBay.com. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items!