6F5P SET Amplifier - Dmitry Nizh
6F5P is Russian TV deflection triode/pentode combo tube, somewhat like ECL85/6GV8. If the pentode section is connected in triode mode, the tube provides a great playground for experiments with 2-stage SET designs on a "dime".
6Ф5П, Tube 6Ф5П; Röhre 6Ф5П ID18918, Triode-Pentode
Tube 6Ф5П or Röhre 6Ф5П ID18918, Triode-Pentode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6F5P | Tubes Information - Russian Tubes
Name: 6F5P: Type: triode-penthode: Application: LF oscillation and amplification: Cathode type: oxide,indirect heating: Envelope: glass,miniature: Mass,g: 20 ...
6f5p for sale - eBay
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6F5P - comaat.com
The 6F5P Triode-Pentode is designed for operation in Vertical Sweep Units of Widely Used Television Receivers. The 6F5P Triode-Pentodes are Miniature Devices enclosed in Glass Bulb and provided with a Nine-Pin Base and an Indirectly Heated Oxide-Coated Catode.
New 6F5P SET Amp Build - Slight Hum - diyAudio
2025年2月2日 · Just finished a new stereo amp build using a 6F5P (ECL85) triode strapped with a beefed up split rail power supply and some oversized Musical Power Supplies output transformers. The amp sounds amazing. Despite taking great care in power supply design and layout there is still a minute amount of 120 cycle hum ?
6F5P - tubes.su
6F5P, Glass Tubes. 6F5P. General. Ttriode-Pentode Triode used as an low frequency amplifier and oscillator. Pentode used in output unit of frame scan of TV (with 110 O beam deflection). Envelope: miniature glass. Mass 20 g. Lead diagram …
6F5P Triode - pentode . It is designed to work in the blocks of vertical scanning of wide-scale television devices with a beam deflection angle of 110 °. 6f5p valves work great in tube amplifiers. The sound is similar to the 6f3p sound, but these valves have different pin configurations in the socket. Durability is not less than 3000 h.
Tubes-Store.com → Power, Output tubes → 6F5P / ECL85 / 6VG8 …
Russian 6F5P triode-pentode tube. Equivalents to the 6GV8, ECL85. Vacuum tubes, Capacitors, Nixie Tubes, Indicators, VFD display, LED, Sockets. Wholesale & retail trade. Worldwide shipping.
SPICE Design of 6F5P SET Amplifier - Dmitry Nizh
In this article we SPICE several Single-Ended Triode (a.k.a SET) designs all based on 6F5P tube, delivering clean 2W of SET power from only .7 VRMS input. 6F5P is a triode/pentode combo, the pentode section is triode-connected.