面向未来智能互联网络的太赫兹感知与通信 - 华为 - Huawei
2020 年,电子科技大学研发出一款太赫兹高速无线通信系统,其工作频率为 0.22 THz,通信距离超过 1000 米,误码率小于 1E-6,传输速率高于 20 Gbit/s。至于感知技术, 太赫兹时域光谱(Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy,THz-TDS)已用于材料表征和工艺控制。
太赫兹通信技术与6G - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
太赫兹波 (Terahertz wave, THz),如图1所示,频段范围100GHz-10THz,位于微波和远红外之间,蕴含着尚未完全开发的丰富的频谱资源,能够穿透非极性分子材料和非金属复合材料,同时对分子振动、转动能级有光谱分辨能力。
6G太赫兹通信感知一体化,开启无线新可能 - 华为 - Huawei
华为6G研究团队搭建了适用于100G~300GHz频段范围内的THz通感一体(Integrated Sensing and Communication at THz band, ISAC-THz)通用原型平台,并分别针对终端侧高精度感知成像,以及室外中距离超高速传输这两大挑战场景的技术可行性进行了探索与样机验证,让通感一体化 ...
Key Technologies in 6G Terahertz Wireless Communication Systems…
In this article, we comprehensively survey key technologies in 6G THz wireless communication systems, focusing on THz channel modeling, multibeam antenna design, front-end chip design, baseband signal processing, and resource management. Terahertz (THz) technologies have great potential in future 6G wireless communication systems.
Terahertz Communications and Sensing for 6G and Beyond: A …
Abstract: Next-generation cellular technologies, commonly referred to as the sixth generation (6G), are envisioned to support a higher system capacity, better performance, and network sensing capabilities. The terahertz (THz) band is one potential enabler to this end due to the large unused frequency bands and the high spatial resolution ...
B5G/6G——太赫兹通信研究现状以及未来发展 - 知乎专栏
太赫兹 (Terahertz, THz)波是指频率在0.1THz-10THz(波长在0.03 mm - 3mm)之间的电磁波,在电磁波谱上的位置如图2所示。 THz波正好位于电磁辐射的毫米波波段的高频边缘和低频率的远红外光谱带边缘之间的过渡频带,它的长波段与亚毫米波重合,短波段与红外线光波重合,因此该波段兼顾电子学和光学的所有特点,可有效弥补微波通信和光波通信的不足。 太赫兹通信是指用太赫兹波作为信息载体进行的空间通信。 太赫兹频段具有极大的未被分配使用的带宽,能够支 …
为什么6G通信要选择太赫兹波频段呢? - 知乎
2024年11月18日 · 准确来说是300GHz以下的亚太赫兹。未来6G通信规划频段是超级缝合怪:从1GHz以下频段,到20GHz左右毫米波,再到亚太赫兹的100GHz,200GHz都有。 例如诺基亚认为:正在进行的对 sub-THz(亚太赫兹) 频谱的其他 6G 研究可用于高精度传感和定位等应用。
A Survey on Advancements in THz Technology for 6G: Systems, …
2025年3月10日 · Terahertz (THz) carrier frequencies (100 GHz to 10 THz) have been touted as a source for unprecedented wireless connectivity and high-precision sensing, courtesy of their wide bandwidth availability and small wavelengths. However, noteworthy implementation challenges persist, ranging from limitations in semiconductor device technologies to antenna design and packaging, as well as system-level ...
Review Of Recent Advancements in THz-based 6G: Devices, …
5 天之前 · A new technical paper titled “A Survey on Advancements in THz Technology for 6G: Systems, Circuits, Antennas, and Experiments” was published by UCLA. Abstract “Terahertz (THz) carrier frequencies (100 GHz to 10 THz) have been touted as a source for unprecedented wireless connectivity and high-precision sensing, courtesy of their wide bandwidth availability and small wavelengths ...
Proceedings of the IEEE
Meanwhile, the exploitation of the THz band for wireless communication had originally been limited due to several reasons:1) no immediate need for such high data rates available via THz bands and 2) challenges in designing sufficiently high-power THz systems at reasonable cost and efficiency, leading to what was often referred to as “the THz ...