6H8C tubes - Audionirvana.org
Aug 11, 2019 · Hi Everyone Im looking at replacing the 6SN7s in my Wyetech Opal and im considering the Russian 6H8C types. there are 2 general ones available - the readily available ones with the black phenolic base (upscale audio has these for low prices) and the nickel base pnes, recommended by Brent Jesse. These latter ones are a lot
Preamplifiers, Line stages and Passive Devices - Audionirvana.org
6H8C tubes. by Andy from Harvard. Started by Andy from Harvard, 08-11-2019, 10:20 AM. 4 responses. 625 ...
Tubes: 2a3, 45,46, 47, 6l6, 26, 27, 80, and others
May 10, 2023 · 2a3 Matched pair construction and test wise. All test 70 where 38 is minimum acceptable. Single solid table getters 300.00 2a3 Matched quad construction and test wise. Dual rectangle getters All test 68 where 38 is minimum. 700.00 TUNG-SOL 46 type pair. (original boxes) 200.00 KEN-RAD 47 type pair. (Original boxes) 200.00