6K8, Tube 6K8; Röhre 6K8 ID2702, Triode-Hexode - Radiomuseum
Tube 6K8 or Röhre 6K8 ID2702, Triode-Hexode, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Frequency converter shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6K8 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 6K8 triode hexode valve was purpose designed as a radio frequency changer. The valve has a common cathode and is unusual within our collection in that the triode and hexode control grids are internally connected. The local oscillator would …
6K8G @ The Valve Museum
The 6K8G is the classic triode hexode frequency changer or mixer for broadcast applications. The exhibit has a clear glass bulb and would rely on external shielding where other mixers had external zinc paint sprayed on to provide screening. For isolation of the signal input and output circuits the hexode input grid is taken to the top cap.
Vacuum Tube - 6K8, Triode, Hexode | Antique Electronic Supply
Consists of a triode oscillator and a hexode mixer in a common envelope. Reduces interaction between the oscillator and mixer sections and makes for stable operation in superheterodyne receivers on the high frequencies as well as the broadcast band.
Title: 6K8 6K8G 8K8GT Author: RCA Subject: JA-FP-2002-05-26 Created Date: 5/26/2002 11:56:46 AM
电位器型号WX112(050),4K7或6K8是什么意思 - 百度贴吧
6K8与4K7是电位器的最大阻值,一般情况可以互换,除非电路对阻抗要求高,你试试看。 以前的电位器都分Y,Z,B型的,好似现在没标示了. 这位师傅是提这类问题的高手... 电位器型 …
CFR-25JR-52-6K8 YAGEO | Resistors | DigiKey
CFR-25JR-52-6K8 – 6.8 kOhms ±5% 0.25W, 1/4W Through Hole Resistor Axial Automotive AEC-Q200 Carbon Film from YAGEO. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
6K8 vs 6A8 - Antique Radio Forums
May 3, 2012 · They are quite often interchangeable although very different in tube manuals. 6K8 has a seperate triode osc. A 6A8 oscillator is built into the mixer section. 6K8 should have less drift and may be better on short wave bands.
6K8 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 6K8 triode hexode valve was purpose designed as a radio frequency changer. The valve has a common cathode and introduced the design whereby the triode grid and hexode g1 are one and the same. The triode anode is to one side of the cathode …
Practical Design of Mixer Converter Circuits - RF Cafe
Sep 4, 2023 · Converters using the 6A8, 6K8, 6SA7, 1A7G, or IR5 should next be neutralized for space charge coupling. This is accomplished by connecting a "gimmick" between the oscillator and signal grids. If a gang condenser is used and the oscillator and signal grid sections are adjacent, neutralization can be accomplished by connecting the "gimmick ...