6mm Rem AI | Long Range Hunting Forum – Expert Gear …
2018年4月27日 · AI makes for great brass life. The 6mm Rem neck is longer than the .243AI so that's better for holding those loooong target bullets. 16 mils at a mile. Only 6 mils to a kilometer. This is one of the many variations of the 6mm Remington case from George Gardner at GAP.
6mm Remington Ackley Varminter - 6mmBR.com
Here is his latest 6mm AI, a BAT-actioned 14-twist that drives a 75-grain V-Max at a blistering 3860 fps. With a classic-styled laminated walnut stock, this flat-shooting, hard-hitting rig delivers "maximum mist effect" even at the longest ranges.
Mike J's 6mm Ackley Improved Reloading Page - The Trek BBS
Upon firing, a 6mm Remington case comes out of the chamber with the new shape. The Ackley version has about 9% more capacity, produces less bolt thrust (according to Ackley's theory), and reduces case stretching. This Ackley case is loaded with a Nosler Ballistic Tip. Click to see a case comparison drawing. "Loud Mouth"
6mm AI cases. Here we can safely start with near-maximum 6mm Remington data, because the 6mm Ackley case will result in lower pres-sure. As we test loads with more and more powder, we watch the chronograph carefully, and when our new 6mm Ackley gets about 60 fps above 6mm Remington muzzle velocities (allowing for barrel length), we can assume ...
6mm Rem AI - Page 2 | Long Range Hunting Forum
2018年4月27日 · Gunsmith Mike Sosenko and long-time AccurateShooter Forum member John Adams have been using a modified .243 Winchester case with great success in Varmint Silhouette matches at the Pala Range in Southern California. Officially called the ".243 BR-K" (and informally dubbed the "6BR Long"), the wildcat …
6mm Rem vs 6mm Rem AI - Shooters' Forum
2011年10月11日 · I believe the AI version of the 6mm has 11% more case capacity. You should be able to realize 3450+fps with the 87 Vmax out of a 26" barrel. With the 3 barrels i've had the powder of choice for the 87 grain Vmax was RL22
Chart of All Rifle Cartridges by Case Capacity - Backfire
2023年9月6日 · The following chart shows the usable interior case volume of all popular rifle cartridges, measured in cubic inches and assuming a standard .013″ brass thickness. By “usable case capacity,” I mean the internal area of the body of …
6mm ai | Forums - In Memory of Wilbur Harris 1949-2021
2023年3月28日 · You can use a 6mm Remington modified case for a 6mm AI cartridge, but it's not the best option. Hornady makes a Modified Case for 6mm ARC that can be used with their Lock-N-Load OAL Gauge, and custom reloading companies like Pacific Tool and Gauge may also be able to make a modified case for you.
6mm remington ackley improved cartridge dimensions
2009年5月25日 · As Tiny said, the 244 Ackley is an improved cartridge and there are no official drawings or measurements. The critical dimension is the junction of neck and shoulder which is what will control the headspace. All other dimensions are secondary. It's the usual practice to chamber an Ackley .004' short in order to get a crush fit when fire-forming.
6mm Rem AI - Long Range Hunting Forum
2010年10月20日 · New 6mm rem AI custom build! Hi to all I m trying to find a diagram on the case dimensions on the 6 mm remington ackley improved, can anyone post one or tell me where i can find it...