Difference between 6N1P and 6N23P? - diyAudio
2015年4月13日 · With regards to audio circuit, the most relevant difference is plate resistance. 6N1P has about double rp compared to 6N23P. If you simply replace 6N23P with 6N1P, you will have a very much different (worse) load line. Much more distortion. 6N1P needs a higher plate load for similar performance.
6N1P - Wikipedia
The 6N1P (Russian: 6Н1П) is a Russian-made miniature 9-pin medium gain double triode vacuum tube intended for use as a line audio amplifier and cathode driver. Basic data: Uf = 6.3 V, If = 600 mA
6N1P Tube Guide: Datasheet, Specifications and Equivalents
The 6N1P tube is a dual triode vacuum tube commonly used in audio applications. Developed in USSR, it’s highly regarded for its sonic performance and robustness. It is often compared to Western tubes like the 6922 and 12AX7 but has its own unique characteristics that make it a preferred option for high-fidelity audio circuits.
6N1P @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
Type 6N1P was first introduced in 1954. See also 1954 adverts. Thanks to Frank Philipse for supplying the above PDF datasheet. Updated November 22, 2018.
Ep7 Circuit Explanation - 6N1P "Rocket" Preamp - YouTube
2024年11月20日 · How To Solder & Crimp Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjnMlRVNS3DkeaHpo75tniuL-19eMROHz
6N1P for buffer instead of 6DJ8, 6922 - diyAudio
Can I use the 6N1P in place of the 6922 or the 6DJ8 or the ECC88 or the 12AU7? Can anyone also point me to a proven tube buffer schematic, hopefully with solid state psu? Thanks in advance!
6n1p - Watford Valves
The Harma 6N1P VI is a special long life, low noise selected version of the 6N1P. ... In stock £ 22.00. This is a special balanced version with matched triode sections available in matched ... In stock £18.00 Buy Now.
"Rocket" 6N1P Universal Preamp - mellowtoneamps.ca
Intentionally designed to have a minimalist circuit, short signal paths, zero feedback, high gain, excellent frequency response, and low distortion numbers. We also designed it so it would only require two tubes. You can get it with one of our recommended tube sets, or roll your own with one of the many compatible tubes.
6N1P ハイブリッド・アンプ(再追試 100V | fewattz fewattz
念願の100vの電圧で駆動させてみて、ようやく6N1Pの音を聴くことができた。 これが本性かどうかは分からないが。 ひとまず満足。
2024年8月6日 · 6N1电子管是一种双三极管,具有两个独立的放大通道,可以分别放大左右声道的音频 信号。 其工作原理如下: 输入信号:音频信号通过输入 端子 输入到前级放大器中。 放大:输入信号经过 耦合 电容 滤除直流分量后,进入6N1电子管的栅极。 由于电子管的放大作用,栅极的微小电压变化会引起阳极 电流 的显著变化,从而实现信号的放大。 负反馈:为了提高放大器的稳定性和线性度,通常在放大器中加入负反馈回路。 负反馈可以抑制非线性失真,提高放 …