Six N. Five | Ezequiel Pini's Art studio creating Imaginary realities.
Ezequiel Pini, aka Six N. Five, is a designer and digital artist known for his innovative and pioneering use of 3D technologies. For more than a decade, Pini's art has created surreal, …
New York, NY (6N5) - Atlantic Aviation
Located on Manhattan's waterfront – on the East River at 34th street - Atlantic Aviation 6N5 is right in the heart of the bustling "capital of the world." Landing by helicopter at Atlantic 6N5 …
6N5 East 34th Street Heliport - AirNav
2025年2月20日 · Complete aeronautical information about East 34th Street Heliport (New York, NY, USA), including location, runways, taxiways, navaids, radio frequencies, FBO information, …
Six N. Five - Creator in Spain - Behance
Six N. Five is the studio of Ezequiel Pini’s work, an award-winning Argentinian designer and digital artist based in Barcelona Over the last decade, Pini has pioneered the use of 3D to create …
HIFIDIY论坛-廉价的低内阻三级管6N5应用 - Powered by Discuz!
5 天之前 · 6N5我反复搞了几种电路,包括了推挽、SRPP、单端、并联单端。最后个人从功率、能耗、音色几个方面觉得还是并联单端比较好。机器做好了,听了下感觉过得去。6N5本来就是 …
6N5, Tube 6N5; Röhre 6N5 ID3252, Mag. Eye, 1 shadow angle
Tube 6N5 or Röhre 6N5 ID3252, Mag. Eye, 1 shadow angle, 6-Pin-Base U6A, old, USA and Indication shown. Radio tubes are valves.
给院长版主出个题 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2024年12月15日 · 要想发挥6N5P的深层价值,推动电路比 我们以往常见的 2A3、300B、211都难,打个比方说,做一台全功率的6N5P推挽,付出的辛苦和工作量 与做一台845 管AB类推挽 …
大家对6N5P和6N13P这两种管子感兴趣吗? - 矿石收音机
2010年1月18日 · 一只6n5就可以做一台2x3瓦的单端机,音色与四级管与五级管有天壤之别。 初听时感觉声音直白,其实是保持了原汁原味。 比4极5极管的谐波失真小得多。
关于6n5p的看法 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered …
2005年11月7日 · 6N5P本身是一个低内阻、低电压、大电流的三极管。 与其它电子管不同,飞利浦手册没有给出它的音频放大典型应用参数。 可以知道几个参数:内阻300欧、跨导6.5毫安 …
6N5.5-1D - Yuasa Battery, Inc.
Check out the reliable, high-quality 6N5.5-1D Battery. When you need power, you need Yuasa Battery. Find a local dealer today!