6P62 - IOP Wiki
2025年1月24日 · 6P62 (6П62) is the GRAU designation of a Russian hand-held fully automatic anti-materiel rifle chambered for the 12.7×108mm round. At 100 meters it can penetrate up to 20 mm of RHA steel. Only one similar weapon was ever constructed, the KPB-12.7 (КПБ-12,7). It was intended as a hand-held machine gun.
6P62 - IOP Wiki
6P62 (6П62) Country of origin Russian Federation Manufacturer Main Missile and Artillery Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (GRAU) Game Information Faction Griffin & Kryuger: Manufactured / Revised by I.O.P. Voice actor Inoue Marina (Current); 董事长 (April Fools) Artist 羽中: Released on CN, TW, KR, EN, JP
少女前线:6P62 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
6P62 是由云母组研发、暗冬网络发行的战术策略养成类游戏 《少女前线》 (英: Girls' Frontline)及其衍生作品的登场角色。 6P62(俄语6П62)重型自动步枪的设计目的是作为一种“经济型反器材步枪”,与那些远程高精度的大口径狙击步枪相比,6P62虽然有效射程低,但对加工精度要求较低,理论上会更便宜,而且12.7mm机枪弹的毁伤能力相当可观,在100米可穿透20mm以上匀质钢板。 不过该枪始终未进入量产,具体结构原理也未公布。 在历史上只有一种类似的 …
6P62/Story - IOP Wiki
2024年4月4日 · Internal Notice Regarding Serious Rule-breaking by 6P62. T-Doll 6P62 has seriously violated the company's labor regulations. Specific evidence of her wrongdoing is as follows: Frequent tardiness! For example, she agreed to have a team meeting with Thompson at 2:00 PM on Monday, but didn't arrive at the office until 7:00 PM; Chronic procrastination!
6P62 | GFL Universe's Wiki | Fandom
6P62 Growth (S) Normal. Damaged. Health () 61 → 121 Damage (SS) 24 → 69 Evasion (D) 4 → 33 Accuracy (C) 5 → 37 Movement Speed 10 Rate of Fire (C) 36 → 54 Critical Rate critrate Critical Damage ... GFL Universe's Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site
6P62 - ドールズフロントライン (ドルフロ)【少女前線】 Wiki*
主に6p62が前衛のイージスを、am rfbがイェーガーやニーマム、ケンタウロスを担当する形となる。 ただし両者共に射速がAR最低クラスなので、それを補える陣形効果やスキルを持つHGやSMGと組み合わせたい。
6P62 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
6P62 (Russian: 6П62) is the GRAU designation for a yet-unnamed Russian select-fire anti-materiel rifle (generally described in Russian sources as a portable heavy machine gun) chambered in 12.7mm. The weapon itself does not appear to have any other designation, and it is unclear if the weapon has any actual GRAU designation.
6P62 - 戰術人形 - 少女前線資料庫
6P62 - Wikipedia
It is a large-frame automatic rifle with a short barrel and a folding bipod. It has a large compensating muzzle-brake on the end of the barrel to reduce the muzzle-flash, sound and recoil of the heavy round to manageable levels. All demonstrations used iron sights, as it is meant to be used at short ranges.
Deep Dive - IOP Wiki
2024年9月6日 · Two new game modes are introduced in this event -- rescuing hostages and supply line. In rescuing hostages, commander needs to search for specific amount of hostages on the map and bring them back to an airfield or HQ. Hostages can be attacked. Each time a normal enemy attacks, hostage will lose one health and the enemy would be destroyed.
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