Title: 6SJ7 6SJ7GT Author: Tung-Sol Subject: JA-FP-2005-11-06 Created Date: 11/6/2005 11:15:34 AM
Understanding 6SJ7 ideal operating conditions
2016年8月7日 · The 6SJ7 data sheet shows a 3:1 ratio for Ip vs Ig2. But note that doesn't necessarily translate to a **resistor** value ratio. All it does it tell you how much current to plug into your calculation to select the resistor value that will give you the desired voltage drop to set your Vg2 per the desired operating point.
6SJ7 Pentode Operating Conditions - The Amp Garage
2017年3月9日 · I'm going to try and set up the input pentode on my 5C1 clone to cathode bias to make it more pedal friendly. This is an operating conditions table from the actual data sheet. Seems they did the hard work of curve reading for you?
HIFIDIY论坛-请教大佬们,关于6sj7的工作点,屏流问题 - Powered …
2024年5月30日 · 因为网上 6SJ7 最高帘栅是 125V,188V 可能会快速缩短管的寿命及可靠性,帘栅最好按特性上给出的 100V 会比较好及容易设定此级工作点。 屏压 100V 太小,觉得不足以有足夠摆幅去推 300B,我会设定为 200V 屏压,屏流 3.5ma 至 4ma 左右。 还有,6SJ7 帘栅已经去到188V,好像比所给出的屏压还大! 会不会 帘栅也变了屏极角色 还用,300B 用电阻作负载,貌似远久年代一个土耳其 DIY 的制作。 建议不用电阻,用屏电感,用电阻,令大部分电能变热 …
Ideal operating point of 6sj7 - diyAudio
2005年9月4日 · I like to know on the ideal operating point of 6sj7 tube (plate, screen and bias voltage) in pentode connection. I have have seen the WE 310A schematic in sound practices by Joe Roberts but no operating voltages were given.
6SJ7GT接成三极管 和6J5GT,6C5GT的差距 - 『单端电路』 - 『胆 …
2014年5月1日 · 6sj7(6j8p)接成三极管 的曲线和 6j5gt(6c5p) 的曲线很接近。 工作点选在相似的区间 装转换脚,肯定能够直代。 持否定态度可以去看看 6SJ7(6J8P) 接成三极管后的曲线图。
TDSL Tube data [6SJ7-GT] - Duncanamps
Warning: Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application.
- [PDF]
6SJ7 - Tube Data
6SJ7 Author: RFT Subject: GO-FP-2000-07-07 Created Date: 7/7/2000 10:55:42 PM ...
Nostalgia Air: Tube Substitution for 6SJ7
6SJ7 Sharp Cutoff RF Pentode. Type Substitutes Base Diagram; 6SJ7: 6AB7, 6AC7, 6AJ7, 6SJ7GT, 6SJ7GTX, 6SJ7GTY, 6SJ7W, 6SJ7WGT, 6SJ7WGTY, 6SJ7Y, 5693, WTT122: Web References: 6SJ7 (RCA (HB3)) @ Franks Electron Tubes 6SJ7 (RFT) @ Franks Electron Tubes 6SJ7 (General Electric) @ Franks Electron Tubes
6SJ7 and 6SC7 not on roll chart - diyAudio
2015年11月21日 · My Hickok 539b does not have 6SJ7 or 6SC7 on the roll chart so if anyone out there can help me out it would be greatly appreciated. From the 539B/539C latest setup book (3200-330) obsolete supplementary section. Hello HollowState 🙂 You helped me the last time I couldn't find the 6BL8 settings. Thanks again you are the man!