A two-stage MC tube based RIAA circuit - diyAudio
2012年4月24日 · My 2SK240/ECC88, 6SL7 double cascode RIAA build version 2 developed: the 6SL7 cascode-based second stage. While I was at it, I also decided to replace the pentode and got me self a pair of 6SL7 triodes for a cascode. The 6SL7 as cascode is much steeper than the 6SJ7 pentode and has significantly lower noise floor.
JE Labs: Two RCA derived octal phono preamps - Blogger
2024年6月8日 · I've been intrigued by this RCA pentode based phono preamp for many years and always wanted to build an octal version. Since I'm very familiar with its sound quality, I chose the 6SJ7/5693 for the front end followed by a 6SL7. Instead of AC coupling in the original, I direct coupled to a low Z 6SN7 cathode follower.
Wurlitzer 518 TubeAmp mod help - diyAudio
2017年6月26日 · All you need is a low noise pre amp with a gain of about 100, without any RIAA. This can be achieved with a single TL072 op amp. Here is a link to what to make using a TL071 as a single preamp giving you a gain control; https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=t...=t89TWculJsaDgAbRwKyoCw#imgrc=YKvOVJ7FfdVM7M:
HIFIDIY论坛-J版好,6SJ7前级电路 - Powered by Discuz!
2 天之前 · J版您好: 这是我自己画的6SJ7加6SN7阴极输出电路,6SJ7帘栅极电压100V,栅极电压-3V,工作点120V3.3mA。 不知是否合理,可否给予意见,谢谢! 这是我自己画的6SJ7加6SN7阴极输出电路,6SJ7帘栅极电压100V,栅极电压-3V,工作点120V3.3mA。 不知是否合理,可否给予意见,谢谢! 帘栅电容和阴极电容太大了吧? 小鱼儿NN 发表于 2009-11-30 00:18 不知道多少才合理呢?谢谢! 帘栅电容和阴极电容太大了吧? 不知道多少才合理呢?谢谢! 屏电阻用82K-100K, …
6V6GT Single-Ended Project
2024年10月25日 · The **6SJ7** is well-suited for general audio applications and hobbyist projects, while the **6Ж8** provides enhanced durability and lower microphonics, making it preferable for demanding environments or where high reliability is needed
RIAA Schematic for-6SL7,7308 or? - diyAudio
2012年1月11日 · First stage is one half of 6SL7 biased with rechargeable battery, about 1.3 volts. The battery is shared between channels, and I might one day change it for LED bias (with about 10mA of added current). However I find channel separation and soundstage to be excellent even with close examination by headphones.
HIFIDIY论坛-我也来仿制银色旋律6SJ7推KT66单端胆机 - Powered …
2019年5月25日 · 不仅是低音推出来了,而且弹性非常好,更可贵的是中高频也非常通透,这种声音只在仿制的金嗓子A35上体验过,这台A35用的是原厂型号的功放管2SJ618 2SK3497,应是最大限度接近厂机的仿制机。 虽然这台6SJ7推807的动态和下潜稍显不足,但此役可以说是非常顺利,少走许多弯路,这更坚定了我后续仿制KT88推挽的信心。 楼主遇见了好人,200B可算是胆坛中英雄人物,他性格格耿直,为人善良,当遇路见不平时,定拔刀相助,难得的好人。 …
sovtek 6sj7 - The Amp Garage
2007年12月22日 · All the sovtek stuff in general sounds usable and sometimes even good, but on the whole there tubes always come in with less GM than the original build spec for the tube unless you get them from Ruby tubes and or Groovetubes. When I die, I want to go like my Grandfather did, peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like the passengers in his car!
6sj7 RCA for sale - eBay
Get the best deals for 6sj7 RCA at eBay.com. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items!
6SJ7 gain set up? - Music Electronics Forum
2006年12月19日 · The 6SJ7 has a huge amount of gain! You just need to set it up right. Don't try to graft values from other amp circuits. Get yourself a reprint tube manual and refer to the "resistance coupled amplifier" charts. The charts have plate and screen voltages vs plate and screen resistance values cathode resistor and cathode bypass cap values, etc..