试听十二款6SN7胆 - hifi-efax.com
6SN7是目前音响用中μ值电压放大胆管中最常用的一种,此胆是旁热式双三极,是目前常用的中μ值胆 (如12AU7、12BH7等)中屏耗最高的一种,工作电流可调得较大,而且由于内阻较低 (约7kΩ),所以用途相对比较广泛。
The 6 Best Sounding 6SN7 Tubes (Reviews-2025)
A 6SN7 and its variants find pervasive use in latter-day and vintage audio preamps and amps, especially hi-fi systems, for example, in the Schiit Freya Plus preamp. Amplifier and preamplifier manufacturers use 6SN7s to help boost the strength of the incoming signal.
HIFIDIY论坛-6SN7热门管的发烧谈;比较。 - Powered by Discuz!
2024年12月8日 · 6SN7是个在胆机发烧娱乐中使用几率较高,较受欢迎的管子。 参数相近的管子有;5692、ECC32、33、34、带帽的有6F8G、BL63、参数一致的还有B65、CV1988。 12V灯丝的有;12SN7、B36。 玩家必然比较其中乐趣。 请玩家谈谈各牌,各管的玩中差别供普通发烧友借鉴、认识。 看过几篇6SN7系列管的比较文章,由于涉及管子偏少所以发帖询问学习。 6SN7是个在胆机发烧娱乐中使用几率较高,较受欢迎的管子。 参数相近的管子有;5692、ECC32、33 …
收集几款6SN7,试听了一下,写点个人看法 - 〓发烧音响专区〓
2007年5月24日 · 6SN7是目前音响用中μ值大8脚电压放大胆管中最常用的一种,是旁热式双三极,是目前常用的中μ值胆 (如12AU7,12BH7,5687等)中最流行的一种,内阻较低 (约7kΩ),所以用途相对比较广泛,在国内外厂出胆机和土炮中经常看见它坚守在电压放大和推动的位置上,也常见用于后级放大器的输入级,相对而言用在前级放大器上就少一些。 6SN7在胆界算是举足轻重的了,至今已有60多年的生产历史了,因其生产持续时间较长,应用广泛,所以市场存货量丰 …
HIFIDIY论坛-问路:谁家的6sn7好声? - Powered by Discuz!
2024年9月26日 · GE6SN7,全透明玻璃黑座,光面铁黑屏,低频的弹性和深潜度相当不错,声音舒缓,自然而耐听,乐感尚好。 控制力和音场层次只是一般,但音场表现得相当自然。 美 …
Linlai 6SN7 Vacuum Tube for Sale | vivatubes.com
New Gain Tested Linlai 6SN7 Hifi Vacuum Tube. Linlai is a small but growing premier manufacturer of vacuum tubes. Spun off from the well respected Psvane, Linlai took some of their best engineers with them and it shows. This is an excellent hifi 6SN7 with European-style tall, shouldered glass (ST), black plates and gold pins.
Psvane 6SN7 HiFi Series, vacuum tube, single - Tube Amp Doctor
PSVANE HiFi Series 6SN7 double triode, ST-shape glass envelope, octal base, used in radio device, as multivibrator or as resistance and capacitance coupled amplifying circuit.
6SN7 double triode Valve | HIFICollective
A medium-mu twin triode is used in resistance-coupled circuits, such as voltage amplifiers or phase splitters.
PSVANE UK-6SN7 hifi amplifier Vacuum tube British design sound
PSVANE development team of the world's leading vacuum field, through clever design, we achieve the maximum density of the vacuum tube internal distribution of electron flow, compared to other same model vacuum tube, the T-series of the second generation of the sound quality has improved significantly, especially in the energy of the sound, dynam...
2018年7月18日 · PSVANE 6SN7 tube are keeping the original Europe and England vintage 6sn7 sound features, it's a grey smoke plate version with golden plated feets to assure all high sentivivity detail sound reprodaction, and it have a very high cost effective. the sound quality is not poor than vintage well-know brand tube.