New Psvane 6SN7-SE Tennis Ball Vacuum Tube - VIVA TUBES
New Gain Tested Psvane 6SN7-SE Tennis Ball Vacuum Tube. If you are hunting for the most unique looking (and sounding) preamp tube on the market, look no further. Psvane took the internal workings of a British styled 6SN7 and stuck them into …
- 评论数: 1
New Gain Tested Psvane 6SN7-SE Tennis Ball Vacuum Tube
2021年3月6日 · Buy New Gain Tested Psvane 6SN7-SE Tennis Ball Vacuum Tube: Tubes - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
Shuguang Treasure Series 6SN7-SE globe triode - [English] - TNT …
If your 6SN7's are on show and there is space for them, there is every reason, sonic and aesthetic, to install the Shuguang Globe 6SN7-SE. In a high resolution system, especially of the low-to-no negative-feedback persuasion, these Shuguang globe 6SN7-SE bottles are the state of the new-wave-of-valve-production (NWOVP).
Which 6SN7SE should I get? – Premium Vacuum Tubes
What we offer is called ‘Treasure Globe 6SN7-SE’ (GF Limited Special Edition). GF stands for ‘Grant Fidelity’. Globe is the shape of the glass enclosure as most 6SN7 tubes are either straight bottle, or mini 300B shaped with a shoulder.
HIFIDIY论坛-6SN7热门管的发烧谈;比较。 - Powered by Discuz!
2024年12月8日 · 6SN7是个在胆机发烧娱乐中使用几率较高,较受欢迎的管子。 参数相近的管子有;5692、ECC32、33、34、带帽的有6F8G、BL63、参数一致的还有B65、CV1988。 12V灯丝的有;12SN7、B36。 玩家必然比较其中乐趣。 请玩家谈谈各牌,各管的玩中差别供普通发烧友借鉴、认识。 看过几篇6SN7系列管的比较文章,由于涉及管子偏少所以发帖询问学习。 留个记号,晚上回来细说… 待兄细解。 在用老南京t级,100小时后入状态,比sg要好。 首先不敢以老 …
Treasure Globe 6SN7-SE pair tubes, GF Limited Special Edition
Grant Fidelity has organized this Special Edition production to bring this globe shaped 6SN7 to the market for the absolute high end market. It is ‘Special Edition’ (SE) because all previous Treasure series of tubes all have carbon coating inside to make the tube a ‘black bottle’.
New 1 Matched Pair PSVANE 6SN7-SE HiFi AMP Vacuume Tube Re 6SN7 …
2019年10月29日 · Buy New 1 Matched Pair PSVANE 6SN7-SE HiFi AMP Vacuume Tube Re 6SN7 CV181 6N8PA: Tubes - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
- 评论数: 3
PSVANE 贵族之声波胆 6SN7-BE/SE 6SN7GT 6N8P 6H8C CV181
欢迎来到淘宝网选购psvane 贵族之声波胆 6sn7-be/se 6sn7gt 6n8p 6h8c cv181 电子管, 淘宝数亿热销好货,官方物流可寄送至全球十地,支持外币支付等多种付款方式、平台客服24小时在线、由商家提供退换货承诺、让你简单淘到宝。
Treasure Globe 6SN7-SE (pair or single, GF Limited Special Edition)
Grant Fidelity has organized this Special Edition production to bring this globe shaped 6SN7 to the market for the absolute high end market. It is a ‘Special Edition’ (SE): all previous Treasure series of tubes all have carbon coating inside to make the tube a ‘black bottle’.
Psvane 6SN7-SE/BE "Tennis Ball" — BLACK ICE AUDIO
The Psvane 6SN7-BE "Blue Tennis Ball" serves as a premium variant of the 6SN7-SE, showcasing a few refinements and distinguished blue glass. While its tonal character closely mirrors that of the SE, the 6SN7-BE offers a broader soundstage, with the …