6U8 @ The Valve Museum
The 6U8 is a triode pentode from 1954. 6U8 is the American designation and ECF82 would be the Mullard type designation if the two were exactly identical. In ECF82 Mullard put both designations on the envelope indicating equivalence. The design purpose was in VHF radio and television between 80 MHz to 220 MHz. Bands II and III.
6U8, Tube 6U8; Röhre 6U8 ID3778, Triode-Pentode
Tube 6U8 or Röhre 6U8 ID3778, Triode-Pentode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6U8 / 6GH8 / 6U8A - differences? - The Klipsch Audio Community
Mar 4, 2005 · I've ordered and received new Philips JAN 6U8A tubes and will replace the telefunken 6U8 tubes in my Scott 208 tonight. They were getting noisy. They were fairly cheap as far as tubes go. Should I spend a little more $$$ and get some more Telefunkens or Siemens or ???. Is the sonic effect that noticable? Hopefully one of you has an answer!
6U8 は同種真空管 6BL8 (前頁)と、ほぼ同時期の開発です(1951~52年)・・が、6BL8 はフィリップス系なのに対し、こちらは米国系です。
求6U8详细的参数资料 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
Apr 2, 2013 · 美国型号还是国产,美国的有 和国产6F2基本一样。 不过国产的6U8没听说过,有也是变频用的管子! 参数与国产6F2大致相同,可查阅“电子管6F2参数”即可。 另搜索本坛本版 …
6U8 @ The Valve Museum
The 6U8 (ECF82) is a high slope triode beam tetrode designed for television use as a frequency changer or mixer. It was also found to be effective as an audio phase splitter and was used in the Radford Audio MA/STA Mk2 amplifier.
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6U8 - Tube Data
6U8 - Tube Data ... 6U8
TubeDepot.com | 6U8 Pre Amplifier Vacuum Tubes | Tube Depot
Tube Depot carries a selection of 6U8 Pre Amp Vacuum Tubes. New production & NOS pre amp compatible tubes from JAN Sylvania, GE & other various brands.!
- [PDF]
输入与倒相级由复合三极五 极管6U8担任,输入电压放大由 五极管组成单级共阴极放大电路, 单级电压增益可达35dB左右,将 输入的音频信号进行较大幅度的 提升,经放大后的信号直接耦合 至倒相管的栅极。
6U8 Revisited - diyAudio
Jul 24, 2010 · I made several of these amps for HiFi and guitar amp use. The circuit and tube choice evolved as I experimented. I bought a bulk pack of 100 NOS 6U8's real cheap. All were run through a mutual conductance tube tester and the few duds tossed. I found that the 6U8 and the 6EA8 can be quite variable, and some have higher distortion than others.