HIFIDIY论坛-常用电子管代换表 - Powered by Discuz!
2014年12月21日 · 6f2 三极-五极管 变频/电压放大 6Φ2П、6u8、6gh、cv5065、ecf82、6bl8 旁热式阴极 6G2P 双二极-三极管 检波、电压放大 *6Γ2、6SQ7、6SQ7GT/G 旁热式阴极 WE300B 直热式三极管 功率放大 300B、4300A 古典式低内阻
HIFIDIY论坛-常用电子管替换表 - Powered by Discuz!
2014年2月23日 · 6f2 ecf82,6u8 6n2 6h2л 功率用管代换表 6p3p 6l6gc,5881 6p6p 6v6gt,5s2,kt63 el34 6ca7,kt66,7027a ... 300b we300b,nl50,4300b kt88 6550,nt99,kt100 2a3 2a3s 845 845a ...
궁극의 300B 싱글 앰프 - 구상 (3-2019) - 네이버 블로그
2019年2月26日 · C3g 같은 모냥좋은 5극관-10mA 이상의 드라이브관-CF(Cathode-Follower) 직결 300B . 가 되겠다 (C3g 대신에 EF12 나 EF14 같은 저먼 스틸관도 좋아 보인다). 앞의 구성은 많이 해본거라. 후자인 . C3g 5결-C3g 3결-CF-300B. EF14(EF12) 5결- EF14(EF12) 3결-CF-300B
HIFIDIY论坛-发个代换表,有用大家用,没用就拍砖 - Powered by …
2012年2月15日 · 屏耗只有19瓦!千万别代用用欧美管的机子. 还EL34原始是五级管,但曙光有束流管 (四级)跟五级管两种,接脚不太相同. 美系欧系整流管滤波电容20到440u,274 4u,GZ34 60u.东欧系多为4到8u.代用要小心. 也不要脚一样就差下去!除最大电流外还要关注屏阻,要不工作点偏了都不知. HIFIDIY论坛-常用胆管代换及特性 (一) 常用电压放大级即前级放大胆管代换表: 6N1: ECC85,6AQ8,6H1л 6N4: 12AX7,ECC83,E83CC,7729,CV4004 ...
TubeDepot.com | 6U8 Pre Amplifier Vacuum Tubes | Tube Depot
Tube Depot carries a selection of 6U8 Pre Amp Vacuum Tubes. New production & NOS pre amp compatible tubes from JAN Sylvania, GE & other various brands.!
ECF80 ECF82 ECF802 6BL8 6U8 E80CF 7643 | TUBES.RS | The …
Specially selected batches for export, without printing marks, but Philips code etched in glass on each tube, in service big boxes, 300 pcs in every box. These tubes were waiting on shelves for decades, they are made to be rebranded Philips, Telefunken, Valvo, Siemens, Mulard or Cifte! Discounts for big orders!
Psvane Pair 300B | vivatubes.com
New Plate Current Matched Pair of Psvane 300B Hi-Fi Series Vacuum Tubes. As one of the most prominent audiophile vacuum tube manufacturers, Psvane’s designs have established a benchmark for clean and accurate sound reproduction, along with a build quality that matches their sonic performance.
梦幻之球--300B的一些心得 - erji.net
2017年9月18日 · 用全真300B搭配合适的6sn7,能让我的hd800+wa5在女声播放上表现出极高的水准,这在我使用过的300B中是绝无仅有的。 VV30B 这是我唯一用过的一对古董管子,它又是一种胆管风格的极致表现。
Electro-Harmonix 300B | vivatubes.com
New Factory Tested Electro-Harmonix 300B Gold Pins Ceramic Vacuum Tube. Ultra-long life, high-quality construction, and superior sonics with improved performance make it a top choice over 300B types made by other manufacturers.
封面故事|时尚的外观,情怀的内心——音乐时空黑金纪念版300B …
末级功率放大为直热式三级管300b,工作在单端纯甲类状态,固定偏压使其动态不会受到制约,而且左右声道300b灯丝独立直流供电,避免互相干扰。 全部放大电路中只施加以小量大环路负反馈,尽量降低瞬态互调失真。