6V6 - Wikipedia
The metal envelope of 6V6 is connected to pin 1 of the base, and was normally used as a ground. Pin 1 of the other members of the 6V6 family of tubes are usually not internally connected, although some may have the gray RF shield connected.
6V6, Tube 6V6; Röhre 6V6 ID2114, Beam Power Tube
Tube 6V6 or Röhre 6V6 ID2114, Beam Power Tube, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6V6 Datasheet – Beam Power Tube
2021年2月26日 · The 6V6 is a beam-power tetrode vacuum tube. Metal type 6V6 and glass octal type 6V6GTA are used as output amplifiers in automobile, battery-operated, and other receivers in which reduced plate-current drain is desirable.
6V6GT @ The Valve Museum
Unlike most 6V6's this valve has a glass disc base, like the all glass valves, and not a pinch. It is interesting to note that the original metal 6V6 also had a glass disc base, and only the glass valves that followed the original metal valve used the older pinch construction.
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36AM3. SUBSCRIPTS FOR MULTI-UNIT TUBES: b = Beam Power Unit. d = Diode Unit. hp = Heptode Unit. hx = Hexode Unit. p = Pentode Unit. t = Triode Unit.
6V6 pin 1 - EL34 World
2011年3月23日 · In a metal 6V6 (only), pin 1 is connected to the metal shell. I bet most guitar players have never seen a metal 6V6 or 6L6 in person.
www.jj-electronic.com 6V6S a. f. beam pentode max 93,0 max 33,3 max 79,0 g1 f f a 2 3 5 8 7 g2 4 k Base: OCTAL Uf = 6,3 V If =0,5 a Typical Characteristics: Class A1 Amp. Single tube push-pull Ua = 250 250 V Ug2 = 250 250 V Ug1 = -12,5 -15 V Ia = 45 70 ma Ig2 = 5 13 ma Ra = 50 - kΩ Ra-a = - 10 kΩ n = 4,5 10 W
6V6GT, Tube 6V6GT; Röhre 6V6GT ID2989, Beam Power Tube
Das hier gezeigte Stück ist einer verkleinerte Glasausführung dieser leistungsstarken Röhre. Der Zusatz GT verweist auf eine so genannte "Bantam-Röhre", die in ihrer Bauart wesentlich …
Princeton Reverb correct wiring of V5 and V6 - EL34 World
2021年3月3日 · In a metal enclosed 6V6, pin number one connects to the metal case that serves as a shield, and should be grounded. In a glass enclosed 6v6, there is no shield, and pin number one does not connect to anything. However, there is no harm if pin number one is grounded.
6V6 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
We have the original American rugged metal valve produced in the mid 1930s and subsequently used for military designs. Also a miniature glass tubular version the 6V6GT. The 6V6G was of classic glass envelope shape. The valves were capable of push pull use but the normal environment was as a single end output stage.