6Y6 SE amplifier - Definitive project - diyAudio
2021年10月3日 · 6V6 works as voltage regulator (135v needed) and current shunt. It should work more or less like a cold cathode voltage regulator.
6Y6G tube for low-voltage SE amplifier?
2011年7月12日 · I've got a suitable power transformer and choke for a stereo version of this amp, and you're correct, typical EL34 impedance UL transformers are just the ticket. The Edcors you linked to make this a very feasible project.... I have a couple of boxes full of NOS 6Y6G, 6Y6GA and 6Y6GT tubes. Dang..... Problem is, I only have two 6Y6G tubes.
6Y6 SE amplifier - diyAudio
2020年4月30日 · For those who want to build a well-sounding and inexpensive amplifier, I propose this project found on web which was replaced the tube power supply with a cheaper solid state one. Tested, it sounds great. 6Y6 doesn't seem to be specially suitable for triode operation ... what do you think about? How is G3 (suppressor grid) wired?
The 6Y6-G, a 6.3-volt, 1.25-ampere beam power amplifier, is in- Its characteristic tended for use in such an a-c operated receiver. features are high power sensitivity and high plate-circuit efficiency.
6Y6GT experiment by bonehead amp works. - EL34 World
2020年2月18日 · You may run a 6Y6 regulator in factory gear that runs 24/7 and never gets attention. You might like >2000 hour life. Going 10% over might be 1500 hour life (tho you'd have to burn-up hundreds of 6Y6 to get such good averages).
6Y6G tube for low-voltage SE amplifier? - diyAudio
2011年7月12日 · 6Y6G tube for low-voltage SE amplifier? Not open for further replies. I picked up a pair of nice coke bottle shaped Sylvania 6Y6G tubes. Since their plate voltage is a maximum 200 volts. Would it be possible to put together an SE amplifier using 120 line voltage and a pair of UF4007 diodes for SS rectification?
Tetrode Screen Control and G2DAF Amplifier Circuits
The circuit was supplied by Lester Earnshaw ZL1AAX. This is followed by "the famous G2MA linear amplifier" which uses a thermionic diode to rectify RF grid voltage to control a 6Y6 clamp tube on the screen of an 813 grid-driven amp.
6y6 tube amplifier - all-audio.pro
6y6 tube amplifier Both tubes, originally used in tube car radios, are working hard at full power when putting out 1 watt. I've got lots of beautiful '50s NOS of this type and they sound amazing!
6Y6 シングルアンプ製作例(フロービス)
6Y6は200Vと低い電圧動作の為 整流回路をチョークインプット方式にしました。 チョークトランスの唸り音も出ず、200Vが取り出せました。
Tubes Asylum - Audio Asylum
2015年11月4日 · The 6Y6 made an excellent regulator pass tube and TV vertical output due to its low voltage drop, but there's not much demand for those any more. Acrosound published an ultralinear circuit for 6Y6, made an output transformer for it, but was never popular due to the different output and power transformers required - transformer would be about 3K ...