tell me about the difference between a 12AX7 and a 6AV6
2008年2月8日 · The 6AV6 can be wired to run as a single triode (amplifying tube), or as a dual diode tube (diodes are not amplifying tubes - they are used to control the direction of electrical flow). 3. Tube socket type - 12AX7s have 9 pins, and need a 9-pin socket, whereas 6AV6s have 7 pins, and need a 7 pin socket.
6AV6 vs 12AX7 phase inverter - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2021年5月24日 · The 6AV6, 6AT6's are single triodes (one tride in the glass bottle, where as the 12A*7 tubes are dual triodes (two triodes in one glass bottle), so essentially a 12A*7 would be like have two 6A*6's combined into one glass bottle. Electrically, the …
6AV6... advice sought - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2021年9月13日 · I had a vintage PA head with 3 x 6AV6 preamp and two 6AQ5 power tubes in push-pull. It used 7 pin sockets as it was really small. It was basically a single channel Vox/5E3 10 watt amp. The 6AQ5 is a 7 pin 6V6 equivalent also used in the Musicmaster Bass. The 6AV6 is a single preamp with a gain factor of 100 like a single 12AX7.
Substitute What For 6AT6? - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2013年7月16日 · Broke a pin off a 6AT6 (7 pin, u=70). Is there a modern equivalent I can swap in? I looked up equivalents of 6AV6, 6BK6, 6BT6, DH77, CV452 and 6066. Not sure how easy any of them are to find. Amplified Parts, e.g., doesn't carry them. Will a 12AT6 work? Seems the same except for the heater...
Sound difference between the 6at6 and 6av6 in Tweed Harvard …
2020年5月20日 · Amplification difference for 6AV6 is about +3db but perhaps bit less if bias was optimized for 6AT6 and does not come as well optimized for 6AV6? There is 3db or 6db difference between three inputs? If high input does not produce enough pre amp gain-distortion when guitar volume is 10 then there is idea to test higher gain tube?
weird noises in an old harmony tube amp - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2012年3月15日 · If you want this sucker to scream like an old Supro you need the equivalent of a 12AX7 on the front end. A 6AV6 can be subbed for your 6AT6 for the equivalent of single 12AX7 section. You can use your 6AT6 or another 6AV6 for the equivalent of another 1/2 12AX7. It looks like a 6AV6 or a 6AT6 plugs straight into your 6BF6 socket.
The most important tube in your amp? The Phase Inverter!
2007年3月31日 · Given the choice between a 5751 and a 12AT7 as a preamp gain-stage tube, the 5751 is electrically superior. 80's JAN 5751s are very reasonably priced but tend to be a little muffled compared to older runs of 5751s.
6AV6's? - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2012年10月13日 · I'm building an amp that will only utilise 1/2 of a 12AX7, and a quick search pulls up results that mention a 6AV6 being a single triode equivalent of the 12AX7. Another quick search shows they're on Ebay by the hundred and even an RCA 6AV6 is cheap to buy. I'm thinking that, rather than burning...
Japanese Tube amps - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2017年5月1日 · Although a 6AV6 is common enough to find, others may not be. When buying these old amps, try not to buy a "widow maker" which is a transformer-less amp, and be prepared to sink in at least $200 - $300 in fresh capacitors, a …
Tweed Harvard vs. Tweed Vibrolux - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2012年6月16日 · As far as i know a Harvard is the same as a Tweed Vibrolux W/O tremolo. The Harvard uses a 6At6 or a 6AV6 in V1. The 6AV6 is basically a 12AX7. I love my Harvard but it sure would be nice if i had the tremolo of a vibrolux. My 61 , one of the last 5F10's image removed