6C33C-B tubes - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2009年5月25日 · Try to find someone, a tube seller etc., in your area with an Amplitrex that will test for a fee. Check tube suppliers, Upscale Audio in LA area offered this service at one time. …
6C33C tubes - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2017年2月7日 · Just looking for thoughts on the 6C33C tube and amplifiers using the 6C33C tubes. I know BAT, Lamm, Audio Mirror, Tube Guru, Wall Audio and others use this triode tube …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2018年7月15日 · The 6C33C-B and the 6C33S-V is the exact same tube. Different translations of Russian. Check out this page and that page. The 6C18C is an older equivalent - not as good. …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2006年4月7日 · FWIW, the 6C33C-B is out of production and is not expected to go back into production as the plant that built it is gone- closed about 3 years ago. There is a substantial …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2019年7月17日 · Those 6C33s in the OP are too closely spaced for reliable operation. The 6C33 is a very hot running tube on account of its prodigious filament.
6C33C and 6C33C-B different? - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2004年3月31日 · I think no difference between 6C33C and 6C33C-B is for audio. Just first tube has some longer working perion (a little) but 6C33C are older usually. The second version is …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2018年10月13日 · The 6C33C tube was unknown in the west until 1976 when Viktor Belenko, a russian fighter pilot landed his Mig 25 (Foxbat) at an airport in Hakodate, Japan to defect to …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2019年7月17日 · George, you should build one with your 6C33C tube and see how it goes. Atma-Sphere corners the Market in OTLs as far as this guy is concerned. I have no interest in any …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2017年1月28日 · Finally, the 6C33 power tube eats tube sockets which thus have to be replaced on a service schedule unlike most other tube sockets. This is true of all amps that run this …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2025年1月29日 · The 6C33C runs about twice the temperature of a normal tube so that is 16 times the radiated heat. @carlsbad2 My speakers are 98dB and very easily driven by tubes. …