6H30p-DR vs 6H30p Tubes - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2018年2月19日 · Folks, I have been listening to Sovtek 6H30p’s tubes for almost a year now on my ARC Foundation Series components. Since acquiring ARC, I have been wondering about …
6H30's--Are the more expensive/megabuck versions worth the …
2010年12月1日 · What I do not know is the sonic differences between the standard Sovtek 6H30's which are cheap at $30 a piece and the more expensive variants, including the DR 6H30P at …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2020年5月4日 · I’m scouting the used listings and reading up on tube preamps. I see many of the older ‘heavy hitter’ brands like the 6H30 in their units, BAT using the...
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2022年2月11日 · I have looked for a western replacement for the 6H30, but I believe the 6DJ8, 6922 or 7308 would get destroyed because if the high voltage. this is for...
6H30pi tube difference - What’s Best Forum
2012年11月22日 · I have several matched quads of 6H30P-DR left for my amplifier and these tubes in my amp typically last 1- 1.5 years before they give up the ghost. Clearly if you can find …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2009年9月11日 · Curious why so many manufacturers have gone with the Russian 6H30 tubes in their designs?
6H30 tube life - What’s Best Forum
2011年7月10日 · Thinking of getting an Audio Research LS-26. They have 6H30 tubes and I was told they only last about 800 hrs. Is this true? I thought they were good for up to 5000 hrs. I …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2009年2月17日 · A quick search of the forums led me to the belief that the effectiveness of tube dampers and coolers is dependent on the tubes used.I'm auditiioning an ...
6H30 tube life - What’s Best Forum
2010年5月15日 · But you can't test a 6H30 on it can you? It's not a 6DJ8 family so assume you use the Amplitrex. Indeed, 6H30's can be characterized on the Tek 576 CT...I routinely …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2004年2月27日 · does anyone know the dirrence between the 6h30 aka supertube and a 6922/7308 ? are the pins the same ?what is the difference ?thank you for your help.Mike