5881 Vs 6L6: Understanding the Differences - Killer Rig
The main difference between the 5881 and 6L6 vacuum tubes is the power output and rating. The 5881 tubes are rated for 23 watts maximum, while most 6L6 variations can handle 25. Then there is the 6L6GC, which is rated for 30 watts and is the more popular model in this family of tubes.
The Difference Between a 5881 and a 6L6GC Valve?
Now the important differences between the 6L6GC tube and the 5881 tube is plate voltages and power dissipation. The 6L6GC tube is a 30W valve. The 5881 valve is a 23W valve.
6L6、EL34、6L6GC,这三种管子各有什么特点? - 矿石收音机
2012年3月10日 · 6l6gc 是 6l6的改进版,说是改进其实 也是换汤不换药,屏耗稍微增大点而已,有的公司把屏耗稍微增大点的管子 命名为5881 。 其实 最一开始 美国人想买欧洲开发的KT66 管子的专利,但是欧洲佬 不卖 美国才在 6V6的基础上 自力更生 发展出了6L6 。
6L6GC参数资料 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered …
2024年5月13日 · 好不容易找的6l6gc参数资料,与大家分享一下。 一直以为它和6L6是一个东西,才发现不一样,它有30W功耗。 6L6GC参数(极限运用数据)灯丝电压(Uf)=6.3V;灯丝电流( ... 6L6GC参数资料 ,矿石收音机论坛
6L6GC, 6L6GB/5881 and KT66 Differences - Tubes for Amps
6L6GB / 5881 - 25W version. Can only be used on amps that call for 5881. You can use 6L6GC where any of the other tubes are used, so if you aren't sure, go with 6L6GC types and you will be fine.
2008年8月5日 · 5881也属于束射四极管,但板耗和曙光的6L6以及6P3P有很大的差别,厂家提供的标称功率为23瓦,这几瓦的区别,让这次换管听音的比对过程有了更加丰富的内容。 豆豆淘来试用的电子管均来自于成都城隍庙电子市场,均属新管,分别在自己的机器上使用了100个小时以后,基本“煮熟”。 2008年8月,豆豆花了一个下午的时间,实际记录下了自己的听音感受。 1、机器原配管6L6GCR 原配的管子相信是厂家经过遴选配对和上机老化的元件,其中一个表现就是开 …
6L6GC Comparison of Current Made Tubes - Amplified Parts
Today, the 6L6GC is one of the most common power tubes used for electric guitar amplification and there is an almost overwhelming supply of current production options to choose from. The purpose of this comparison is simply to provide guitar players with a frame of reference to help in finding the best current production 6L6GC for their needs.
Sovtek 5881 WXT/6L6 WGC Tube Guide II - Jay Skyler
2011年5月8日 · Sovtek 5881 WXT/6L6 WGC Usage in Guitar Amplifiers: At about 23 watts the Sovtek 6L6GB should be treated as a direct replacement for a 23 watt 6L6GB or 5881. Don't stick these in an amp requiring 6L6GCs! However, despite its lower output, we treat the Sovtek 5881 WXT and 5881/6L6 WGC tubes as direct replacements for a 30 watt 6L6GC!
6L6 | 5881 | 7581A Vacuum Power Tubes - thetubestore
The 6L6 tube equivalent part numbers 5881 and 7581A vacuum tubes are acceptable substitutes in some amplifiers. Matched pairs, quads, and octets are available... More Details
6L6GC / 5881 / 6L6WGB - RF Parts
There is no difference between the 6L6WGB or the 5881, they are the same tube. The 5881 has a maximum plate rating of 360 volts at 23 watts and a maximum screen rating of 270 volts at 3 watts. DO NOT USE IN AMPS CALLING FOR 6L6GC's. They will …
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