6th Maintenance Group > MacDill Air Force Base > View
The 6th Maintenance Group consists of two diverse squadrons with more than 700 personnel. The group manages all wing maintenance resources to include an annual operating budget of more than $12 million as well as aircraft, supplies, and equipment valued at more than $3 billion. 6th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
6th AMXS passes the torch > MacDill Air Force Base > News
2023年6月5日 · 6th AMXS passes the torch. U.S. Air Force Col. Charity Banks, 6th Maintenance Group commander, transfers the flag from U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Jennifer Lindberg, 6th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron outgoing commander, during the change of command ceremony at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, June 5, 2023.
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The 6 AMXS provides on-equipment maintenance to include launch, recovery, servicing, inspection and repair of 16 assigned KC-135R/T aircraft. They support annual flying schedule of over 2,800 sorties and 11,000 flying hours.
Fit for flight: 6th AMXS maintains KC-135
2018年5月18日 · “A 900-hour inspection is due after an aircraft has flown for 900 hours,” said Tech. Sgt. Kenneth Zimmerman, an expediter assigned to the 6th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. “It identifies any serious safety issues within the structure of the airframe and helps prevent catastrophes and mishaps in the future.”
6th AMXS: On the grind to make them fly > 18th Air Force > …
The 6th AMXS provides on-equipment maintenance including launch, recovery, servicing and repair of KC-135 Stratotankers. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Shannon Bowman)
6th AMXS hones CDDAR capabilities during MARE [Image 5 of 7]
2025年2月19日 · The airbag allows 6th AMXS personnel to lift the aircraft off of the ground, greatly reducing the strain on connection materials throughout the frame.
6th Maintenance Group - CurrentOps.com
6th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. 6th Maintenance Squadron. 6th Maintenance Operations Squadron. Locations... - Present MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, Florida, United States. Follow @currentopscom. Quick facts. Component USAF (AC) Higher headquarters... - Present 6th Air Mobility Wing. Force structure Browser
News - MacDill Air Force Base
The 6th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron and the 927th AMXS at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, held an induction ceremony to honor 48 crew chiefs selected as dedicated crew chiefs and assistant DCCs Jan. 6, 2017.
6th AMXS: On the grind to make them fly - 18af.amc.af.mil
The 6th AMXS provides on-equipment maintenance including launch, recovery, servicing and repair of KC-135 Stratotankers. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Shannon Bowman)