40-meter band - Wikipedia
The 40-meter or 7-MHz band is an amateur radio frequency band, spanning 7.000-7.300 MHz in ITU Region 2, and 7.000-7.200 MHz in Regions 1 & 3. It is allocated to radio amateurs worldwide on a primary basis; however, only 7.000-7.200 MHz is …
7MHz - Radio Society of Great Britain - Main Site
When operating SSB, please ensure the lowest dial frequency used is 7053kHz (lower sideband), as this will ensure the transmitted spectrum remains within the 2.7kHz all modes segment. 40 metres is also a popular QRP band; the QRP CW centre of activity is 7030kHz.
7MHz Reference Circuit - ARRL
High End 40 M SSB contest station. Competitive contest stations use big antennas in an effort to contact even the smallest and most remote stations. Big horizontally yagis are somewhat common--probably more common than vertical arrays among the elite contest stations. Typical 40M SSB contest station. Shortened two element yagis are quite popular.
Ultra-simple 7 MHz phasing SSB transceiver - YouTube
Describing a simple 5 transistor 1 IC phasing method SSB transceiver for 7 MHz inspired by a design by SP5AHT but simplified. Note that as observed by Andre...
YO3DAC - Homebrew RF Circuit Design Ideas - qsl.net
3.75 MHz - 4 MHz SSB Superhet Receiver. 7 MHz - 11 MHz High Performance Regen Receiver. 40m ZetaSDR - LY1GP. 80m TinySDR - LY1GP. 3.5 MHz - 7 MHz Direct Conversion Receiver. HF Phasing SDR. HF Regen Receiver - BH1RBG. HF Simple SDR IQ-output. 40m - 30m - 20m Receiver - KD1JV. 136 kHz Direct Conversion Receiver - IK2PII
请教国内外短波常用频率 - HamCQ 社区
根据中国业余无线电爱好者的实际操作习惯,以下是常用的固定频点: 中国常用的业余无线电短波固定频点. 80米波段. 3.780 MHz:常用于语音通信(SSB) 40米波段. 7.050 MHz:语音通信(SSB),中国业余爱好者常用频点. 7.060 MHz:语音通信(SSB),备用常用频点. 7.074 MHz:数字模式 FT8. 20米波段. 14.270 MHz:语音通信(SSB) 14.230 MHz:业余电视(SSTV) 14.074 MHz:数字模式 FT8. 15米波段. 21.074 MHz:数字模式 FT8. 10米波段. …
SSB Transceiver, 7MHz, 50 Watts, with Dual-DDS-System
2019年3月10日 · DK7IH QRO SSB transceiver for 7MHz/40m – DDS, RX, TX mixer and SSB generator. The other side holds the TX low pass filter plus power measurement unit (left), the power amplifier (center) and the predriver and driver …
Homebrew QRP 7 MHz SSB transceiver: circuit anatomy
2015年6月8日 · A look at the circuit of a basic 7 MHz SSB transceiver and a description of some of the finer points.
7 MHz SSB Transceiver - The DXZone
Circuit diagram and discription of 7 MHz Ham Radio SSB Transceiver. Transceiver using two MC1496, 4.43 MHz Ladder filter, LM386, LM324 and IRF840 in final.
7 MHz SSB Transceiver - FlashWebHost.com
Presently the circuit is only for 7 MHz SSB operation. It can be modified for other bands by suitably changing VFO, transmit band pass filter and receiver band pass filter. I had avoided CW and AM provision for simplicity.
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