O-RAN 7.2 RU Guide — srsRAN Project documentation
The Integration Guide aims to show the specific steps needed to successfully integrate COTS O-RUs and switches with the srsRAN CU/DU for use in an O-RAN split 7.2 compliant network. All of the hardware items listed here have been tested in-house.
Open RAN Split 7-2x Category A and Category B •Category B O-RUs enable greater tolerance of Non-ideal Fronthaul characteristics such as constrained throughput and higher delay.
RU、DU、CU功能拆分的概念 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
ran du位于ru和cu之间,执行实时l2功能(基带处理)。 在 O-RAN联盟 工作组中,DU被提议支持多层RU。 为了正确处理数字信号并加快网络流量,可以使用 FPGA 。
2023年7月13日 · O-RAN Radio Unit(O-RU):一个包含eNB/gNB功能的子集的逻辑节点,具体功能符合function split option 7-2x中列出的内容。 与O-RU通信的C平面和U平面的实时方面,由O-DU控制。 在考虑定义前传接口的功能划分时,存在两个相互矛盾的关注点: a) 保持O-RU尽可能简单是有好处的,因为尺寸、重量和功耗是主要的决定因素,O-RU越复杂,也就意味着O-RU越大、越重、越耗电; b) 将接口设置在高层是有好处的,与低层接口相比,这会降低接口吞吐 …
OpenRAN - ShareTechnote
7.2x split is between low PHY and high PHY where L2, L3 and most of the L1 processing is centralized at DU, and low PHY and RF processing is performed at RU. Following is a list of characteristics (nature) of 7.2x split.
O-RAN前传Spilt Option 7-2x - CSDN博客
2024年11月8日 · 拆分选项 7-2x是 O-RAN 前传规范采用的著名 LLS 拆分选项之一。分布式单元 (O-DU) 和无线电单元 (O-RU) 之间的这种功能拆分将物理层 (第 1 层) 的功能划分为高级 Phy 位于 DU 中,低级 Phy 位于 RU 中。下图显示了拆分选项 7-2x 的概览。 下行比特处理
O-RAN CU-DU Split — srsRAN Project documentation
This tutorial outlines the steps required to configure and run the srsCU and srsDU applications, to create an E2E O-RAN compliant network with a CU-DU split. In this tutorial a USRP is used as the RF-frontend, resulting in this being a Split 8 configuration.
RUs — srsRAN Project documentation
These documents aim to show the specific steps needed to configure RUs and Switches for use with the srsRAN CU/DU in an O-RAN Split 7.2 compliant network. For information on the overall network configuration and architecture, see the O-RAN 7.2 Guide.
Introduction to O-RAN - NI - National Instruments
2024年6月24日 · NI’s O-RAN RU Production Test Solution provides fast and efficient test during RU manufacturing. With RF and digital DUT control under the same test and automation interface, superior timing and synchronization with NI instrumentation, real-time fronthaul link, and high-throughput DU emulation, this solution provides efficient, fast, and cost ...
5G RAN 前传切割选项 - 百家号
2021年5月18日 · 分割选项7-2x是O-RAN fronthaul规范采用的LLS拆分选项之一。 分布式单元(O-DU)和射频单元(O-RU)之间的功能划分将Phy层的功能划分为高Phy驻留在DU中,低物理层驻留在RU中。