7.9x57 (8mm mauser) ammo differences - The Firearms Forum
2013年3月27日 · In Europe it is the 7.92x57. Here it is the 8x57. Same thing. Also, in Europe, there is the 7.92x57J and the 7.92x57JS. These use different bullet sizes. The J uses a .318 bullet while the JS uses a .323 bullet. Apparently we here in the states are too stupid to realize they are different, so US-made "8mm Mauser", while using the .323 bullet, is loaded very lightly, so that if you shoot a .323 ...
7.92x57 / 8mm mauser - The Firearms Forum
2021年4月11日 · I just bought a Gewhr 88 mfg. 1890 in Amberg. It has a S stamped on the top of the barrel. I have read a lot about the ammo and there is 7.92x57 ammo and 8mm ammo for sale. Before I buy ammo, I just want to be sure which one to buy or does it matter. Can you help?
7.91 (8mm)x57"J"(I) vs. 7.92(8mm)x57"JS"(IS) - The Firearms Forum
2014年5月26日 · I have played with using the expander from 7.7jap or .303 brit for the .318. i usually chamfe rthe mouth id good, and it is a hair tight.. but if you hold it and guide it int he bress it has never folded a lip on me. in the FEW times i have done it. using a tapered based bullet makes it painless.
German Drilling Info - The Firearms Forum
2011年6月26日 · I have a German drilling, 16 ga. SxS, with 7.8 x 57 rifle barrel underneath. Would appreciate any information that you can provide as to background and value. Condition: NRA excellent. 98%+ finish. Dark, almost black blue on barrels. Casehardened engraved lock plates, trigger guard, levers...
Fabrica de armas mauser - The Firearms Forum
2011年8月8日 · The 7 X 57 caliber is a great one and for the investment the old Mausers made great inexpensive deer rifles for folks. Sadly, those rifles have little collectors value and go for around $100 these days. Have a gunsmith check the headspace, but it is probably safe to shoot commercial 7 X 57 Mauser ammo.
7.92mm Kurz technicals - The Firearms Forum
2021年2月20日 · Yet, not only does the 5.56mm handily outperform the old German 7.92×33 Kurz in ballistics, it’s substantially lighter, too. Compared to 12 grams per shot for M855, the Kurz clocks in at 16.7 grams per shot for wartime steel cased ammunition, or 17.6 grams for current-production Serbian manufactured brass cased.
7mm x 57 Mauser brass made from 270 - The Firearms Forum
2021年5月5日 · I'm trying to get some 7mm x 57 Mauser brass for a friend of mine for reloading and the availability is a very limited or overpriced. I found on YouTube that a 270 can be cut and resized as a 7mm x 57. It looks like it's possible and 270 used brass is available to purchased, but I …
German Drilling - The Firearms Forum
2009年7月5日 · >The rifle barrel is also stamped: 7.8mm/57 This, I believe is the caliber, and I don't know what this means.< Never heard of a 7.8mm/57, but 7.9x57mm is the standard 8mm Mauser German military round from 1898 until the end of WW2. I suppose that 7.8 could be the older round, that used a .318 bullet instead of the .323 bullet.
Just bought the ruger 57, got some questions. - The Firearms Forum
2021年4月30日 · Just bought ruger 57 and was wondering if anyone knows if there is an aftermarket recoil assembly and guide rod that would work well with this gun? Also looking for a more low profile iron sight that someone could recommend me as the sight it comes with is a little bulky and jagged. Think it would snag on a fast draw. Other then these 2 things I absolutely love this gun, just want to touch it ...
H4198 vs IMR4198 - The Firearms Forum
2019年3月3日 · The IMR creates a little more velocity. I never load to max,usually try to stay around the middle between max and minimum. The numbers speak for themselves. I bought some H4198 for a test run on Russian 7.62 X 39 to figure out a close estimate of what it would cost per round to load it as to buying the wolf or tulas steel military berdan primed.