Bra Size Calculator
This calculator estimates bra size based on bust size, frame size, and common measurement standards. Also, convert bra sizes in the US, UK, EU, and Australia.
Breast size and bra size chart with sample images – Model Studios
The size of a bra always depends on two factors: the circumference of the body just below the breasts (called band size) and the circumference above the breasts, usually at the level of the nipples (called bust size).
胸圍尺寸 | 計算cup數 | Bra Size 對照表
簡單一個Bra Size 對照表幫你計算正確Cup數和胸圍尺寸。 市面上不同内衣品牌的版型設計都會有明顯差異。 就算是同一個品牌,不同產品所選用的布料、罩杯設計和深度都可以影響您需要穿的尺碼。
MIRO為你提供胸圍尺寸表,簡易三步找出最適合你的胸圍尺寸,讓你在網購胸圍的時候也能以胸圍對照表作更準確的參考。 一般在查看胸圍尺寸的時候,它們會以數字與英文的組合出現,你知道它們代表什麼嗎? 其實胸圍尺寸的解讀非常簡單——數字代表的是下胸圍尺寸,而英文則是代表罩杯尺寸。 那麼我們該如何量度出自己的罩杯大小與胸圍尺寸呢? 以赤裸狀態量度上胸圍需要將身體向前傾90°,並使用軟尺環繞乳尖一周,得出上胸圍尺寸。 站直後以軟尺緊貼乳房底部,並 …
US Bra Sizes Chart in Inches and Cm : what’s my US bra size?
2022年12月24日 · Learn about the right band size, the right bust size, calculating the US cup size, when you are plus size, and much more in the best US Bra sizes Chart. All about the search for your first bra or your daughter’s bra? explore them in our Bra Sizing category.
US Bra Size Chart In Inches and Centimeters - TheBetterFit
With the help of this US bra size chart in inches and centimeters, you can easily measure yourself at home and shop for bras with ease. Remember that each bra size will look quite a bit different on different women, depending on your bone structure, natural waistline, and body shape.
Bra Size Conversion Chart - SizeChart.com
Find your local bra size in the Bra Size Conversion Chart below, and see equivalent bra sizes in other bra sizing systems (countries). Note about cup size: In this bra size conversion chart, all bra sizes start with cup size AA. This will work with most bra models.
Bra size converter / Bra size table - Calculate & Convert
With this converter you can convert a bra size to another bra size system. Enter the bra size and choose which size system to change to which size system and see result. You can convert bra sizes between the following systems: EU, UK, US, IT, AU and FR.
Bra Size Calculator - Good Calculators
Whether you want to know your bra size according to the US, UK or European sizing systems, our bra size calculator will help you to easily find out your cup and band size. Simply take your band and cup measurements, in imperial or metric, and enter them into the calculator. Press "Calculate" and you're done!
Size Chart & Bra Size Converter | Triumph Lingerie
Use our international size chart to help convert any underwear sizes into your desired size. Using your clothing size, under-bust measurement, cup size and our bra size converter will help you find the right bra size or discover your bra sister sizes!