What is the significance of "seventy times seven"?
2011年9月18日 · It is derived from a 'generation' of 'jubilees' i.e. 40 x 49 = 1960 years from when 'Cain' and Israel were exiled to wander. Simply factor 1960 differently and you will find 4 x 7 x 70 = 4 x 490 (see Leviticus 26 and Judah's first exile of 70 years). He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Why is there numerical ambiguity in Matthew 18:21-22?
For instance, Good News Bible had 70 times 7, but the newer CEV corrected this to 77. The older version of ESV from 2007 had 70 times 7, but a newer version from 2016 has 77 times. Share
70 x 7--What does that mean? (purification, hell, beliefs, scripture ...
2009年5月11日 · 2nd, the 70 sevens are 70 Jubilee cycles (Jubilee is a 49 yr forgiveness period of time) 7 x 490 yrs is 3,430 year pointing to the second coming of our Lord and Savior when his people will be permanently freed from sin!
70 x 7--What does that mean? (belief, Jesus, Bible, Jews ...
2009年5月11日 · The 70x7 expression is symbolic for infinity; Christians are called to forgive an infinite number of time because that is the number of time they are forgiven by God ; when a Christian fails to forgive, it becomes inconsistent with the infinite forgiveness of God.
catholicism - What did Jesus mean by seventy times seven ...
2015年12月6日 · One is prompted to think that the numbers seven and seventy have some deeper connotations when they refer to repeated occurrence of something. In other words, Jesus may not have meant 70X7 i.e. 490 while answering Peter's query. I have heard some say that Jesus in deed said "7 raised to 70 " , which would make a big number.
70 x 7--What does that mean? (experience, people, world)
2010年5月28日 · (My understanding of this matter is the 70 weeks of Daniel have already started!) Dan 9:27 The antichrist and the real evil would happen around mid trib (say near the end of 2010 into 2011?)
When did the 7 - Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange
2021年9月6日 · NB:-Daniel's "70 Weeks" prophecy, as portrayed in Dan, 9:25-27, shows that ordinary weeks cannot be meant. The language does not imply weeks of days, it actually implies weeks of years [70 x 7 (years)= 490 years] and the "day for a year" bible rule is therefore very appropriate and is the general consensus of opinion amongst the vast majority ...
exegesis - What is the significance of Lamech's boast?
2014年11月7日 · This boast is very significant in the narrative. It shows us how God's mercy toward Cain in spite of his sin was distorted to mean approval of Cain's action. So this man summarizes the thought of the people in general, that since God would avenge Cain 7 times, God is expected to avenge Lamech 77 times. A very great distortion.
Was Jesus referring to Dan. 9:24 in Matt. 18:21, 22?
2022年4月9日 · It is clear to me that Dan. 9:24-27 refers to the Messiah's coming but what I find more than coincidental is the seventy weeks (70 x 7) used to indicate when this all will happen. Since seeing this interesting feature about seven odd years ago, I have started seeing Jesus' words to Peter in Matt. 18:22 as simply saying this - forgive as I (God ...
hermeneutical approaches - Are the 70 weeks of Daniel and …
2019年1月13日 · 70 Years of Zechariah. Zechariah 1:12 & 7:5 appears to allude to another 70 years during which the temple remained unbuilt. Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple in 586 BC, and later, Zerubbabel and Haggai supervised the completion and rededication in 515 BC, about 70 years later. 70 Weeks of Daniel