Boeing 707 - Wikipedia
The Boeing 707 is an early American long-range narrow-body airliner, the first jetliner developed and produced by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. Developed from the Boeing 367-80 prototype first flown in 1954, the initial 707-120 first flew on December 20, 1957. Pan Am began regular 707 service on October 26, 1958.
波音707 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
波音707是美國 波音公司在1950年代研發的首款四引擎噴射式 單走道客機,由波音367-80設計發展,載客量為140至189人,航程為2,500至5,750海里(4,630至10,650公里) [3] 。 707是波音的首款噴射機,採用後掠翼、引擎吊艙等新式設計。
Why The Larger Boeing 707 Had Fewer Seats Than The 737 MAX …
2021年7月23日 · As far as the 737 MAX is concerned, the closest variant to the 707 in length is the largest example, the MAX 10. At 43.8 meters long, his is just under half a meter shorter than the 707-120. However, its capacity is significantly higher. Boeing lists the MAX 10's two-class capacity at 188-204 passengers with a maximum of 230. However, even the ...
Boeing 707 - Specifications - Technical Data / Description
The Boeing 707 is a four-engined medium-to-long-range narrowbody airliner with a capacity of maximum 189 passengers produced by the American manufacturer Boeing Commercial Airplanes.
Boeing 707 - Airliners.net
707-320B - Max seating for 219, or 189 single class at 81cm (32in) pitch, or 147 in two classes. Convertible or freighter versions - 13 A type containers. Production
Ultimate Boeing 707 Guide - Airlinercafe
Fastest of all 707’s, max speed M=0.91. (Speed info comes from the FAA type certificates, BTW–they’re a great source of info for some things) Well, that’s it for the “standard” 707 family, now we move into the ones that actually get modeled in the 1/400 world, the stretched 707s.
Boeing 707 - Aviation History
The Boeing 707 was not the first US transport aircraft to be jet-powered; that distinction belonged to the experimental military XC-123A powered assault glider. However, the 707 was the first production American jet airliner that allowed the US to gain the lead in …
【SAN Spotter】波音707 MAX将会是什么样? - 哔哩哔哩
Boeing 707 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
Max Cruise Speed: 545 knots 1,009 Km/h Approach Speed (Vref): 105 knots Travel range: 50,000 Nautical Miles 92,600 Kilometers Fuel Economy: 0.16 nautical mile / gallon 0.078 kilometres / litre Service Ceiling: 43,000 feet Rate of Climb: 3550 feet / minute 18.03metre / second
707 - 737 Comparison - Airliners.net
2004年5月14日 · Interesting to compare the various Boeing aircraft, however the B707-320B (advanced) aircraft had a maximum seating capacity of 189 (or with extra exits installed, 215) and with a fuel capacity in excess of 23,000 USGallons, …