LevelUP 737NG Series for XP12 Released! - AVSIM
2024年12月23日 · All Activity Home Forums The X-Plane Forums The X-Plane General Discussions Forum LevelUP 737NG Series for XP12 Released!
LevelUP 737NG Series for XP12 Released! - AVSIM
2024年12月23日 · So basically this is a LevelUp blended with the Zibo B737-800 mod. Seems to work for me ok with the patch. Picked out the short 600 and the 700 but have the 800 via Zibo …
P3Dv5 iFly 737ng or Max - The Prepar3d Forum - AVSIM
2024年10月8日 · Back in FSX I had the ifly 737 package which I really liked. So I think I will buy them. I know the differences between the ng models and the Max in the real world. But my …
Zibo mod 737NG Intermediate Wipers - AVSIM
2025年2月24日 · Hi Everybody, Is there a way to adjust the timing of the intermediate wipers on the Zibo Mod? Thanks
737NG Speed Trim? - PMDG 737NGX | 737NGXu - The AVSIM …
2011年7月31日 · I've been reading about it, but i still can't quite understand it :( At first i thought that it was similar to the Airbus auto-trim, but that can't be right because you have to trim the …
737ng Glare Shield Dimensions? - The Home Cockpit Support …
2004年6月29日 · I'm getting close to building my glare shield but I have a few questions. I'd like to build it as close to the real thing as possible. Does anyone have the dimensions for the top …
737NG (FS9) VNAV descent - PMDG 737 NG (Legacy Version)
2009年3月2日 · I fly both the PMDG 737NG and the 747-400 and Freighter. On the 747s usually once I've been given descent clearance from cruising altitude I'll tune in a lower altitude on the …
Best B737NG for FSX? - MS FSX | FSX-SE Forum - AVSIM
2009年3月30日 · Ariane Design make about the only current 737NG for FSX (several variants, including the 7/8/900 and the BBJ), all the other 737s for FSX are the 300/400/500 variants …
737NG - How to programm waypoint to be overflown? - AVSIM
2004年8月29日 · Hi Flightsimmers!I have a question about something I could not handle though looking up all the availible manuals...How can I programm the FMC that the waypoint has to …
737NG Startup and shutdown procedures - AVSIM
2004年8月21日 · If you lose electrical power from your busses, however, including the Main Battery, the 737NG has a backup battery to shut down the engines.Hope this makes …